Kim Possible Porn Story: X Men Evolution OmniMutant Chapter 1

Kim Possible Porn Story: X Men Evolution OmniMutant Chapter 1

: Ok, this is my newest story. I thought i’d just take a moment to
explain a few things. This is a triple Xover between Kim Possible,
X-Men Evolution and Ben Ten/Alien force. However the only element
from Ben Ten/Alien Force that i am useing is the ability to change
into the different aliens which will be Ron’s mutation. More about
the specifics of Ron’s mutation will be explained later in the story.
Enjoy. -VINcredable.


Evolution : OmniMutant

One : Everything Changes

Dementor had lost it, after failing to take over the world dozens of
times he had given up on his dream now
he had a new dream, a new goal, to destroy
the world. The way he saw it, if he couldnt
have the world then nobody could. He designed a new type of bomb that
would set the atmosphere itself on fire.

Team Possible had been called in to deal with the situation.
Dementors new base was on Liberty Island
in New York.

but this is all
old news, Kim and Ron had already infiltrated the base and disarmed
the bomb, now they were both on Liberty Island fighting for their
lives as Dementors henchmen attacked them

were at least twenty of them. Men dressed in grey jumpsuits
relentlessly attacked Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable whilst Dementor
Watched on with a smile.

gloved fist smashed against Rons face,
Ron stumbled back and hit the ground with a thud holding his aching

Ron called to his best/girlfriend for help as eight men in jumpsuits
converged on him. Ron looked up and saw her, Kim was having trouble
of her own she was surrounded by at least a dozen men and was having
trouble fending them off.

As Ron
struggled to get back to his feet he felt a sudden pain in the back
of his left leg as another goon slammed a steel pipe into the back of
his knee.

Ron yelled in pain as he fell to his knees.

heard Ron yell and looked up, her eyes widened when she saw her
boyfriend fall to his knees with his left leg twisted at an awkward

hold onUGH! Kim fell forward dazed when
he fell a sharp pain in the back of her head.

watched in horror as another one of Dementors
henchmen struck Kim in the back of her head dazing her. Suddenly
everything changed, Rons vision was
filled with red and he felt his anger building.

The men
surrounding Ron went in for the attack, they started beating him
relentlessly, before they blocked his vision he saw somebody hold Kim
from behind whilst another one punched Kim in the stomach.

All the
sound around Ron was drowned out, the shouts of the henchmen as they
attacked him, the laughter of Professor Dementor as he watched his
men, the din of a news chopper recording everything that was
happening, all of it was drowned out and all Ron could hear was his
own heartbeat getting faster and faster.

his heartbeat got faster and faster Rons
body started to change in not so subtle ways, his skin roughened and
took on a red tint, his usually brown eyes turned yellow and his
pupils disappeared, the broken bones in his leg healed almost
instantaneously as two new arms started to emerge and grow out of his
sides. Finally Ron felt a new strength surge through his body as his
vision was filled with a green flash.

rrrrrrRRRAAAHHHHH!!!A feral roar ripped across the island,
with great strength Ron stood up and pushed outward with his arms
all four of them. All eight men who had been beating him a moment
earlier were thrown away by his strength. The men attacking Kim
turned to see what was happening when they heard the roar and they

there was Kim Possibles sidekick, at
least what used to be him surrounded by eight floored men. His skin
was red, his muscles were bulging he had four muscle bound arms and
his eyes were completely yellow.

Kim asked, a little afraid to know what was wrong with her boyfriend.

looked up at them with his yellow eyes and they recoiled when he
pointed at his with one of his arms.

her go!!!
Ron roared at them
in a rough voice.

are you vaiting for?! GET HIM!!!
Dementor screamed at the frozen henchmen.

the only two men on the ground around Ron that were still conscious
jumped to their feet and charged Ron, one in front and one from

first one threw and punch at Rons face,
Ron reached up and easily caught it, Ron then quickly threw his foot
backwards into the ribs of the man charging him from behind.

the man grunted in pain as the air was forced out of his lungs and
collapsed, Ron quickly brought the same leg forward and slammed his
knees into the gut of the man whose fist he had caught. The man tried
to use his free fist to hit Ron but Ron caught it in another one of
his hands. The goon looked up as Ron grinned, with his two free arms
Ron pummelled the goon, after half a dozen punches Ron let go of the
mans two arms and he fell to the ground

watching in shock of what Ron had done, she had never seen him fight
so viciously.

quickly turned his attention to the dozen men still surrounding Kim
and snarled. In a flash Ron was moving, he sprinted towards them for
a few moments before he got down on all fours
or sixs as the case may be
and his speed increased, suddenly Rons
body was hidden by a flash of green light, when the light receded Ron
had changed again, his body was covered in orange fur, he had two
front arms like a gorilla and two back legs like a cats, he had no
eyes and a large mouth with filled with sharp teeth, all in all it
looked like a mixture of a lion and a gorilla.

of the men immediately found the good sense to turn tail and started
to run. The other four however decided to try their luck and charged
at Ron, dropping Kim in the process.


leaped at the men and swiped at the first one with a giant paw, the
force of the swipe sent the henchman flying across the island and
slammed into the base of the statue of liberty.

henchman charged Ron from behind holding a metal bat and swung it at
Rons back. The moment the bat connected
with Ron there was another flash of green and Ron changed again. The
henchman felt the bat he was holding suddenly heated up to extreme

he yelped in pain and dropped the red hot bat

time Rons entire body seemed to be made
out of molten rock, even his head was on fire. Ron turned to the man
who hit him with the bat and pointed his open palm at him, a moment
later a blast of flames caused the henchman to fly away from the
molten man.

looked down at his own molten hand I
dont know what this is
but I like it Whos
next? Ron asked in a smooth voice.

two remaining men hesitated before one of them attacked, he reached
into his coat and to Kims shock pulled
out a knife before charging Ron.

flash of green, the man with the knife fell right through where Ron
was a moment ago, he looked around trying to find the sidekick but he
was nowhere to be seen, suddenly something invisible became visible
behind him, it was draped in a blue cloak with a hood, had green
eyes, a gas mask-like mouth and its
breath could be seen is if it was cold.

you need to chilllll Ron said in a
low breathy voice as he placed a hand on the knife wielding goons
shoulder. Suddenly ice grew from where Ron touched and grew over the
henchman until only his head was uncovered.

final henchman backed away slowly after seeing his friend fall to the
ground encased in a block of ice.

Ron said to get his attention. this is the part where
you run away

the final henchman turned around and sprinted away as fast as he
could screaming for help.

Ron let
out a chuckle before turning to Kim who was still on the ground.

are you ok? Ron asked as he reached out
to her.

Kims reaction wasnt
quite what Ron had expected, she quickly slapped his hand away from

away from me! Kim screeched as she
backed away.

Whats wrong? Its
me, Ron Ron tried to assure her.

youre a monster, stay away from me!
Kim screamed at him as she continued scrambling away.

words felt like a knife to the gut, Ron looked down at his own new
hands and then looked at what he had done, the ground was little with
unconscious henchmen, one had been pummelled, one thrown into the
statue of liberty, one with a scorch mark on his chest and one frozen
in a block of ice. He Didnt understand
why he changed into those different forms and he didnt
know how he knew how to use them, he just did
it was like instinct.



A shot rang through the air and Ron fell forward holding his right
shoulder bleeding blue. Ron turned around and saw Dementor standing
about 100 yards away from them holding a smoking handgun.

ze sidekick iz a mutant iz he? Dementor
asked with a sneer. all ze more reason for me to
eliminate you freak!

not a mutant am I?
Ron silently asked as he looked down at the blue blood coating his


snapped out of his trance and his eyes narrowed as he heared the
sound of Dementor pulling back the hammer on his gun.

took over and again Ron was bathed in a flash of green light. Less
than a second afterwards a blue & black blur shot past Dementor
and the gun disappeared from his hand.

wont be needing thisss
Ron spoke with a new raspy voice as he appeared about ten meters
behind Dementor holding the gun. Rons
body had changed again, it was black with a mixture of dark blue and
looked almost reptilian, it had strangely shaped legs with ball-like
feet and a long tail hanging behind it, it head was shaped like a
helmet of some kind with a blue face. With a quick flick of Rons
wrist the gun flew into the ocean.

get avay from me you freak! Dementor
yelled as he started to sprint away.

dont think so
Ron said in his raspy voice, a visor shot down from his helmet shaped
had and covered his face. A moment later he shot towards Dementor
with incredible speed, as Ron shot past him Dementor felt something
strike the back of his head causing him to stumble forwards, a moment
later the same force smashed into the front of his face causing him
to fall back and land flat on his back holding a bloody nose.

reappeared in front of Dementor and was once again bathed in a flash
of green light. When the light receded Ron had another new body, this
time he looked like he was made completely out of some kind of green

flicked his wrist at Dementor and half a dozen sharp shards of
crystal shot from his hand and pinned Dementor to the ground.

that Dementor wasnt going anywhere Ron
turned away from him and started to make his way back to Kim, they
needed to talk.

As Ron
approached Kim she was once again surrounded, but this time it was by
half a dozen men decked out in S.W.A.T gear.

mutant! one of the cops shouted at Ron
as they all aimed their automatic weapons at him.

Im on your side, the bad guys
over there Ron said as he pointed his
thumb over his shoulder.

the weapons! the same cop shouted

weapons? I dont have anything!
Ron shouted at them, thats when he
realised what they meant, his fingers were very sharp in this body,
the cops thought they were weapons. Ron tried to will himself to turn
back to normal but nothing happened.

come on, how do I turn this off! Ron
said in frustration.

said drop the weapons now or well open
fire!!! the cop warned.

wait please, theyre not weapons!
Ron pleaded as he held out his hands.

Ron held out the weapons
one of the cops panicked.


bullet slammed against Rons chest and a
few chips of crystal fell to the ground, to Ron it felt like a bee
sting. When the first cop shot it acted as a starter pistol for the


of bullets ricocheted against Rons
crystal body, he held up his arms in front of his face in an attempt
to block them.

Stop please! Ron shouted as he looked up
and peeked past his arms, he saw Kim standing a few feet behind the
cops, but what really broke Rons heart
was that she didnt even look worried, in
fact she looked angry at him.

took over again, he had to get away from this place and he had to do
it quickly. His body was hidden by a green flash and his body changed
for the umpteenth time in the past ten minutes. This time his body
was large and chunky, the front of the body was white, the sides were
black and his arms, legs and back were covered by large yellow
circles. Somehow he immediately knew how to use the body, he ducked
forwards and rolled into himself, he took the shape of a yellow ball
and shot towards the cops with great speed, the cops dodged out of
the way a moment before Ron would have collided with them. Ron shot
past them and quickly reached the edge of Liberty Island but he
didnt stop, his ball-like body shot off
the edge and hit the water and a large splash.

cops ran to the edge and pointed their guns down at the water waiting
for him to surface but all they saw were a few bubbles surfacing.
After a few minutes they gave up and turned away from the water and
went to arrest Dementor and his crew.

mile away from Liberty Island a creature surfaced out of the water,
it had pale green skin, large white eyes, a mouth of razor sharp
teeth, an antenna sticking out of its
head and gills on either side of its

didnt she help me?
Ron muttered to himself in a deformed voice, he felt like he was
about to cry but this body didnt seem to
be able to cry, it didnt have tear
ducts. He raised two clawed hands out of the water and looked at

am I? What am I?
Ron muttered over and over.


next day, Ron was slowly walking towards Kims
house. He was in his normal body, his human body. After swimming to
Ellis Island and calming down his body had been bathed in a soft
green glow, when the light receded his body was back to normal.

stepped up to Kims door and hesitated
for a moment before knocking, it was past midday so Kim would be at
school, but Kim wasnt the one he wanted
to see.

door swung open to reveal Anne possible, Kims

Anne yelled as she pulled him into a tight hug. You
scared the hell out of me! Whereve you
been? Anne asked.

Ron could answer he was interrupted by Anne again.

never mind that, are you ok? I saw them shooting at you!
Anne asked in a worried voice as she ushered him into the house.

Im fine Dr. P
hey wait you saw? How?
Ron asked.

was a news helicopter over Liberty Island, we watched it Live
Anne explained

you been home yet? Im sure your parents
are worried about you Anne asked.

a few tears fell from Rons eyes despite
his attempt to hide them, I was then that Anne noticed a sack on his

what happened? Anne asked.

they threw me out Ron admitted as a
more tears started to fall.

gasped, she had known the Stoppable family ever since Ron and Kim
met, she never thought they would be capable of that.

I got home theyd thrown all my stuff
out Dad called me a freak and told me to
get out of his house this is all Ive
got left Ron said as he fingered the
rope on his sack.

P I dont
know what to do Ron sputtered as he
broke down crying.

maternal instinct kicked in and she pulled him into a hug.

ok sweetie Ill
help you however I can

nearly half of hour Ron calmed down a little and Anne excused herself
to make a phone call.

dialled a number and waited for a few moments before somebody

is this Xaviers Institute for the
Gifted? Yes Id
like to speak to Jean Grey please


away a dark room was illuminated by a dozen large screens showing
maps, surveillance, profiles and many other things. Each screen had a
team of scientists working on different things.

double door hissed open and a man stepped in, the man was dressed in
a military outfit with the insignia for Colonel.

the situation on the boy? the Colonel
asked, most of the scientists flinched when he made his presence

Striker sir one of the scientists
stepped forward. we found him, hes
back in Middleton at the residence of Kim Possible, we just
intercepted this phone call to New York
the scientist said and passed Colonel Striker a transcript of the
phone call. Striker quickly read through it and a small smile
appeared on his face.



hung up the phone and walked back to Ron.

I have something to talk to you about
Anne said as she sat down next to him.

Kim ever told you about her cousin Jean?
Anne asked.

yeah, yeah she did. I think she said her cousin lives at a private
boarding house in New York Ron recalled
a conversation he had with Kim once.

at least thats what Kim thinks
Anne said earning a curious look from Ron.

reality, Jean is a Mutant, and the boarding house she lives at
Institute for Gifted Youngsters is
actually a school for Mutants, a place where they can go and be safe
and learn how to control their abilities.

didnt take long for Ron to realise what
Anne was saying.

want me to go there Ron said, it wasnt
a question.

like you to consider it Jean has been
living there for a few years now and she says that shes
never been happier and you did say that you cant
control the change, maybe the people there can help you
Anne tried to reassure him. If you want
to go, Jean can be here within a few hours to pick you up, but its
not a prison and you can leave the institute any time you want

Rons mind he was going over the pros and
cons, but in the end he kept coming back to the same answer, he had
nowhere else to go.

Ok, Ill
give I a try Ron gave in.

Ill go call Jean and arrange everything
Anne said with a smile.

Dr. P, I need to pick up a few things at school, need to let the
school know Im leaving
Ron said as he stood up and made his way to the door.

you sure? Your class mates and teachers might not accept the fact
that youre a mutant
Anne warned him.

ok, Ill talk to Mr Barkin, hell
listen, Ive seen him give detention and
even expel students for talking bad about mutants, he considers it
discrimination beside I need to talk to

face turned grim as he remembered how Kim reacted on Liberty Island.
Anne seemed to know what he was thinking because she immediately
spoke up.

about Kim shes
never really had an opinion on mutants, but the few mutants that she
has met are her enemies I think shes
just confused at the moment Anne
tried to defend Kim, but in reality even she was disgusted by the way
she saw Kim act in New York.

hope youre right Mrs. Dr. P, I really


Institute for the Gifted

professor Xaviers office were five
people. A red headed girl on the phone, Jean Grey. A teen with brown
hair wearing red tinted glasses sitting next to Jean, Scott Summers.
A bald man sitting in a wheel chair in front of the desk, Charles
Xavier. A man with dark hair & long sideburns who leaned against
the wall behind Professor Xavier with his arms crossed, Logan. Lastly
was a large man covered in blue fur sitting at the side of the room
going over a video of what happened on Liberty Island, Hank McCoy.

Hank exclaimed as he rewound the tape and played it again.
its looks like he has the ability to
change into these different creatures with different abilities
Ive never seen a mutation like it
god knows how many different forms he can transform into

certainly is unique Xavier said with
his hands locked under his chin

kids got some serious moves
Logan complimented

Auntie Anne, well be there in a couple
of hours Jean said with a smile before
hanging up the phone.

news I take it? Xavier asked.

Professor, Auntie Anne spoke to Ron and hes
agreed to give the institute a try Jean
said with a smile.

good news Jean, Scott, have the X-Jet ready to go as quickly as
possible the Professor ordered.

got it Professor, but if you dont mind
me asking, why is it so urgent to get there as quickly as possible?
We dont usually take the Jet just to
pick up a new student Scott asked.

the Professor said before, the kids
unique Logan said as he stepped
forward and his show on Liberty Island was broadcast
live for the whole country to see, Im willing
to bet that Mangetos already on his way
there to try to recruit him, thats why
we need to hurry


stopped in front of the entrance of the school and hesitated for a
moment before walking forward, he blamed his own bad luck that he
arrived during lunch break so the halls were filled with students, if
he had arrived during lessons then the halls would be empty. Everyone
was just going about their business, that was until Ron stepped in.
the hallway was immediately quiet, everyone watched as Ron walked
down the hall.

felt like a death row inmate walking to an execution room. Every step
he took echoed through the hall and with every step Ron heard another
student whisper.


you see it on the news?



felt his eyes start to moisten as he heard the voices. He looked up
and his eye widened when he saw who was heading his way, Bonnie
Rockwaller, just what he needed. Ron braced himself for the
inevitable verbal lashing he was bound to get from her, but to his
surprise she didnt say anything, she
just kept walking.

to get out of there as quickly as possible Ron hastily made his way
to his locker, it was hanging open and had the word Mutie
spray painted diagonally on the door. The inside of the locker was
completely empty.

Damn it!
Ron cursed and slammed the door shut.

turned to make his way to Mr. Barkins
office but found himself blocked by five large teens, members of the
football team.

me Ron said as he tried to get around

biggest one and captain of the team Jacob
stepped forward and slammed his palms against Ron chest causing him
to slam back against the lockers.

youre excused
now why dont you excuse yourself and get
out of our school freak Jacob said with
a sneer.

pulled himself away from the lockers ignoring the pain in his back.

worry, I already plan of leaving, I need to see Mr. B so if you dont
mind Ron tried to get around the team
again but Jacob got in his way again

do mind Stoppable, now get OUT! Jacob
shouted as he pushed Ron against the lockers again.

buckled in pain and he felt his anger grow. Rons
head snapped up and he glared at Jacob with different eyes, his iris
had changed from his normal brown to a neon green glow. The football
team stepped back a few paces when they saw his eyes.

felt the same way he had felt on Liberty Island just before he

no, no, no
calm down, calm
chanted in his head as he took slow deep breaths. After a moment his
eyes changed back to normal and his breathing calmed.

football players all watched him cautiously.

a new voice entered the hall. Down the hall behind the players stood
Mr. Barkin. My office, now!
Mr. B called down to Ron.

pushed away from the lockers and the football players parted to let
Ron past, they all watched with grins as Ron walked past Mr. Barkin
and into his office. Mr. Barkin saw the looks on the football teams

you all smiling about? All five of you
are expelled, now get out of my school
he said before walking into his office after Ron, the football teams
protests fell on deaf ears.

minutes later Ron walked out of Mr. Barkins
office a little happier than he had been, just like he thought Mr.
Barkin had been completely understanding, Ron explained his moving to
New York and Mr. Barkin accepted it, he even asked if Ron needed any
help moving.

As Ron
came out of the office he quickly spotted Kim walking down the hall
flanked with several members of the cheer squad.

KP! Ron called to her as she approached.

away from me Ron! Kim snapped at him and
she kept on walking.

Kim what is your problem?! I havent done
anything wrong! Ron snapped back after
losing his temper slightly.

havent done anything wrong? Ron you
attacked half a dozen police officers!
Kim shouted at Kim.

attacked them?
Kim they fucking shot me!!! Ron swore at
Kim causing several members of the cheer squad to gasp, they had
never heard Ron speak that way and certainly not to Kim.

wouldnt have done that if you had just
dropped the weapons like they told you to
Kim snapped back

those weapons
youre talking about were my FINGERS!!!
Ron shouted back at Kim.

a few moments Ron and Kim stood there glaring at each other, Ron was
the first to break eye contact, he felt his anger growing and he
couldnt allow that, if he got too worked
up he didnt know if he could control his

turned away and started to walk away, before he walked out of the
building he turned back to Kim.

Ive known you for years
and in all that time I never would have pegged you as a Racist
Ron said with a few tears in his eyes.

burst out of the school in a hurry, right now he just wanted to get
back to Kims house and wait for the
people from the institute to arrive. Ron quickly made his way across
the school car park.

BEHIND YOU!!! a female voice screamed

instinctively spun around just in time to see a blue car zooming
towards him. Ron quickly dove out of the way as the car shot past him
going at least 50mph.

rolled out of the dive and quickly got back to his feet as the cars
tires screeched at it spun around 180 degrees and faced Ron again,
this time Ron could see who was in the car, Jacob, head of the
football team. Students were starting to gather around the scene,
including Kim.

Im warning you!
Ron shouted to the homicidal Jock. Jacob didnt
heed the warning, with a sneer on his face the car shot towards Ron

tried to dive out of the way again but this time he wasnt
fast enough, the car clipped his side and sent Ron to the ground.

Ron grunted in pain and fell to the ground holding his side. Once
again the car spun around and faced Ron. Ron turned towards the car
and bared his teeth and his anger rose, as climbed back to his feet
his entire body was covered by a green flash of light, when the light
receded Ron was taller, had red skin, yellow eyes and four muscle
bound arms.

warned in a new voice as he held up one of his four hands in a stop
sign. Jacob didnt listen, his foot
slammed against the gas and the car shot at Ron again.

shook his head in both annoyance and anger, were people really this
intolerant of mutants? Ron was Jewish so he had his share of insults
from Bigots and the occasional Jews and
their money joke but this was far beyond
anything he could have imagined.

outstretched hand balled itself into a fist and raised into the air.

shouted a moment before the car reached him, Rons
fist shot down and smashed into the hood of the car. What happened
next would have been amazing if it wasnt
so terrifying, the front of the car buckled and the ground underneath
it collapsed, the end result was a small crater in the ground with
the but end of a car sticking out of it.

looked up at the students now surrounding him, all looking at him
with a mixture of shock and fear.

couldnt take the stares, he immediately
turned around and started running, his transformed legs shook the
earth slightly with each step. Some of the angrier student even
started chasing after him wielding weapons. Ron noticed them but just
kept running, at some point his body was covered with a green light,
after it faded he was back to normal again.


are the preparations? Colonel Striker
asked as he walked into a hanger with a large helicopter warming up
its engine.

chopper is ready to go, but we may have a new problem sir
a soldier said as he passed the Colonel a piece of paper showing a
satellite photo tracking a large black jet shooting across America.

hes moving faster than I expected
Striker said with some concern.

its current speed the jet will reach the
Tri-City area within half an hour the
soldier reported.

it, running into Xaviers freaks is not
part of the plan get Deadpool and
Maverik, tell them I want them suited up and down here five minutes
ago Striker ordered.


students were starting to catch up to him, his lungs were burning.

damn it, just leave me alone!!! please
please just leave me alone! Ron pleaded
as he slowed down at a slow walk and cried, he didnt
even try to get away.

A few
seconds before the students caught up to him and white convertible
suddenly pulled up beside him.

in! a voice said in urgency.

looked in the drivers seat and nothing could have prepared him for
who he saw

Ron asked in confusion.

said get in, NOW! Bonnie screamed.

quickly jumped over the door and landed in the passengers seat, less
than a second later the car revved into action and took off down the
street quickly losing the angry students.

looked at Bonnie in confusion.

the last person in the world I expected to help me
Ron said to Bonnie.

Ron, Im a lot of things
but Im not a bigot, I despise the way
people treat mutants Bonnie confessed

suddenly realised something.

was you, you were the one who shouted to me just before Jacob would
have run me over Ron said.

if was me where do you live, Ill
give you a lift Bonnie offered in a rare
gesture of kindness.

I cant go home, they threw me out
can you take me to Kims house? Im
getting a ride there to New York, theres
people there that might be able to help me control my power.

looked at him with a knowing look.

going to Xaviers huh?
Bonnie asked.

neck twisted so fast he heard it click, he looked at Bonnie in shock.

you know that? Ron asked.

hesitated for a moment before answering.

My sister
lives there, shes a mutant
my familys dirty little secret
Bonnie said in disgust, but she didnt
seem to be disgusted at her sister, it was more directed at her

sister? Hold on I met your sisters, they live here in Middleton
Ron remembered.

you met two of my sisters, Connie and Lonnie. Amara is my third
sister, when she became a mutant my dad kicked her out and disowned
her, Im the only one who still talks to
her. Bonnie revealed as she pulled up
outside Kims house.

opened the door and got out of the car.

for assist Bonnie, I owe you one Ron

yeah say hi to my sis for me
Bonnie requested just before pulling away from Ron and disappearing
around a corner.

turned around and made his way back to the house and walked inside,
Anne came out of the kitchen holding a cup of coffee.

how did it go? Anne asked.

as well and you said it would Ron
admitted with a look of sadness.

Ron, Im so sorry. Well you got back just
in time, Jean should be here any minute now
Anne reassured Ron with a smile.

Ron did
feel a lot better but something still hung at the back of his mind.

live in New York
how did
they get here in an hour?
Ron wondered.


speak of the devil Anne smiled and
drained the rest of her coffee before walking to the door, she opened
the door to reveal a smiling red headed.

my god youve grown up so much since I
last saw you Anne said with a smile as
she gave her niece a hug.

Aunt Anne, it really has been a long time
Jean said and returned the hug.

you like some Coffee? Anne offered

would but were on a tight schedule, we
have to leave right away Jean said

ok, well this is Ron Anne introduced
Ron. Ron, this is my niece Jean Grey

to meet you Ron said and held out a hand
which Jean took and shook.

then we should get going, Ron can call you once he gets settled
Jean said as she walked back out of the door followed closely by Ron.

ok Ill talk
to you later Ron Anne called out to him.

bye Mrs. Dr. P and thanks for everything!
Ron shouted back with a smile and a wave.

Hmm, that was
weird she could have at least stayed for a cup of coffee, after
all I havent seen her in years
Anne closed the door and walked back to the kitchen for some more


As Anne
poured herself a fresh cup of coffee there was a quick knock at the

who could that be?
placed down her cup and made her way to the door, as she opened it
she found herself a little confused, in the doorway were four people,
the first she immediately recognised as her niece Jean, although she
seemed to be wearing different clothes than she had been wearing a
few minutes ago. The other three were men, one had chestnut brown
hair and wore a pair of red tinted mirrored glasses that completely
hid his eyes. The second was a little shorter than the one with the
glasses but he was obviously older, he had dark hair and a pair of
long sideburns. The final one was bald and sitting in a wheelchair,
he was also dressed in a smart brown suit.

Anne, its so good to see you
Jean said with a smile as she quickly jumped Anne into a hug. After a
few awkward moment for Anne, Jean let go and turned to the three men
standing behind her.

this is Scott, Logan and Professor Charles Xavier, he runs the
institute Jean introduced.

Umm, Jean whatre
you doing here? Anne asked awkwardly.

it was Jeans turn to be confused.

here to pick up Ron, remember? Jean said
with a smile.

Xavier said as he wheeled forward a bit Im
rather looking forward to meeting Ronald in person

more confusion was building in Annes

whatre you talking about? You just left
with Ron not five minutes ago! Anne
explained as if it was obvious.

Logan, Scott and Xaviers attitudes
became a lot more serious.

impossible we just got here Scott said

was here? Are you certain? Xavier asked

like I said, not five minutes ago Anne

right Charles Logan said as he
sniffed the air. I can smell the kid and someone else
too, a mixed scent, they were here

me a moment Xavier said as he placed his
fingers on the sides of his head, closed his eyes and concentrated.

After a
minute Xavier looked at everyone with urgency in his eyes.

found them, theyre three blocks away
heading for the park its

To Be Continued

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