Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Near Misses and Total Hits Chapter 16

Kim Possible Porn Story: Near Misses and Total Hits Chapter 16

Cursed machine! Dr. D ranted, slamming a fist down on the plastic casing. Shockingly, this did not fix the error. Again? This is intolerable!

Shego sashayed up behind him. Whats the meltdown about now?

It froze again, he hissed, glaring accusingly at the computer and clicking the mouse futilely.

Heres a thought… Why dont you restart it and not have a conniption fit? She reached over and jabbed the on/off switch twice. There. Problem solved.

Its shoddy craftsmanship, is what it is. Im surprised these computer companies arent more involved in world domination… Theyve already got the market cornered on pure evil, he complained as it rebooted.

Shego snorted, eyes on the screen. Uh… Doc?


Youre pretty good with the tech stuff and all…

Yes, and?

Why are you using Portals? I mean… Are you kidding me? Even I know that’s the junkiest system out there.

He made a face. Every other week, my whole setup gets blown sky-high… It was short notice. I had to make do.

Well. Its back up. Try to be smarter than what youre working with, huh?

Can the comments, Shego, Ive got research to do.

Is that what theyre calling it these days?

Shut it!

Prompt – “restart”

Portals is a parody of Windows from Danny Phantom. As someone who uses Windows ME, I feel entitled to hates the Gates sometimes.

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