Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Behind Green Eyes Chapter 10

Kim Possible Porn Story: Behind Green Eyes Chapter 10

Mego, are you finished with that robot? asked Shego, looking into her wrist communicator. Megos face popped up on the screen, his eyes darting to his left every once in a while.

Well, I cant find a way in, so Im not really much use. Hego and the Wegos are basically trying to take it down.

Good. I need your help. Actually, if I thought hed listen, Id have you pull Hego and the Wegos off the robot and come help me out.

Megos eyes locked onto hers.

What do you mean? Whats going on?

You know were fighting Kimmie and her friends, right?

Well, considering it was her face on that robot’s chest, yes. Why?

Kimmie told me a little bit of whats going on. Shegos eyes got dark, really dark. It sent a shiver down Megos spine.

Whats going on? he asked softly, his sisters silence unnerving him.

GJs corrupt. So are Kimmies parents. Im shocked I havent gone berserk and attacked Dr. Director myself, or even given her parents a few good whacks.

So youre purposing that we help her? Is that it? he asked, slightly unsure that it would work.

Yes. Thats exactly what were going to do. Were going to tear GJ apart and help Kimmie in any way we can.

Mego frowned.

Wait, back up. I know we want to help her, but youre talking about GJ.

Not all of GJ is corrupt. The way Kimmie talked to Du kinda says she knows exactly whos doing what and that hes not involved. Wait, is Du there with you?

She watched as he lifted his head to look around.

Yeah, not far off. Want to talk with him?

Yeah, and hurry. We dont have much time before Princess starts her surprise party.

Theres more?! He looked at her disbelievingly. Shego couldnt help but smirk darkly.

Shes seriously pissed off.

Mego paled slightly, even with his odd skin coloration. After a few seconds of bouncing around, Dus face came into view.

Miss Go? he asked in confusion, his dark brows drawn together.

Du, you have two choices. For all our sakes, mostly Kimmies, I hope you make the right one.

Will considered her soberly for a few seconds, obviously debating whether to trust the green skinned woman.

What exactly are my choices? he finally asked. It seemed hed be finding out whats going on at last.

Simple. Youre going to either help GJ or Kimmie.

Will frowned.

Youre pitting me against my own organization? Seems rather foolish of you to even consider asking, he remarked coldly.

Shego frowned, her green eyes piercing into his.

Im not kidding, she almost growled out. GJ has done some seriously messed up stuff, and I dont blame Kimmie at all for seeking out revenge. To put it short and sweet, GJ was the one that put a bounty on Kimmies and Stoppables head. Not only that, they also drug her parents into the action, receiving eager help in bringing about Kimmies destruction.

Will blinked. He had to shake his head to try and make sense of what he was being told.

Youre lying, he said bluntly.

Like hell I would lie about this! roared Shego, her suppressed anger flaring to life again. If you really think Im lying, I dare you to ask your precious Director what the hell shes thinking! Ask her what was running through her head when she hired assassins to kill Kimmie and that buffoon! Ill be damned if she doesnt at least flinch!

And if youre wrong? asked Will, trying to force himself to remain true to his course for as long as possible. He knew it wouldnt work though. Hed been having doubts about Dr. Director and GJ for a while now. His resolve only needed that final push, that last shred of evidence that proved everything.

If Im wrong Shego said slowly, her eyes momentarily looking heartbroken. If Im wrong, Kimmie isnt the girl we all thought she was.

Will looked away from the woman. Her sorrow bothered him. There was no way he could actually say Kim wasnt what she had always been, a hero. Hed seen proof of that for years. Kim had always proven her honor, her commitment to doing what was right. No matter what happened, even if Kim made a mistake, shed always been there to make it right.

That, and the heartache in Shegos eyes put so much more emotion into well, everything. GJ had become lifeless, empty. Dr. Director was just as bad. Nothing had any feeling to it anymore. Everything seemed pointless. But Shego was alive. Shego was fighting for what she believed was right. He couldnt say the same thing about GJ any more. If what Shego said was true, theyd been lying for years. And he already knew in his own heart that Shego was right. GJ was no longer worth fighting for.

But Kim was. Kim, even when she was royally pissing him off, she was always worth fighting for. She always had the courage to keep fighting for justice, even when she knew she was against all the odds. She even put up with him, when they both seemed at such odds with each other. All in all, it really wasnt a hard decision at all.

Ill help you, he answered at last. But, you have to promise me one thing.

Shego looked at him skeptically.

Whats that?

I want to be the first to confront Dr. Director. She has some questions to answer.

Shego frowned.

I cant really promise that, seeing as Kimmie has a head start.

Then we get there faster, he said flatly. Shego blinked. A slow smirk started to creep its way across her face.

What’d you have in mind?


Kim stood in the cleared hallway, several unconscious people strewn about. She had told Shego and Monique to get out, but she had the niggling feeling theyd ignored her. Honestly, she hadnt really thought theyd listen, even as she said it. Shed been foolishly hoping that theyd at least listen to her this once.

She knew too well the consequences. Rons blood splattered face flooded her mind, and she shivered.

She couldnt see Shego or Monique reduced to that. If she saw either of them so treated, she would she would seriously go ballistic. There was no question. More so with Shego then with anyone else. Shego

Shego brought up too many memories again, memories of a time the most complicated decision was whether shed work up enough courage to allow herself to trust the worlds most famous thief.

Her treasure, that necklace with the green pendant that was her world. That was her world before it turned black, before it took away her dearest friend and left her cold and alone. Truth be told, that necklace was her world even after everything turned black. The necklace was a small jewel of hope, a tiny shimmer of a dream that more then likely would burn to ash before she even got a taste of it.

She clutched a hand to her chest, missing the pendants small weight.

Shego had given her that pendant. It had been a gift, an odd gift, on her birthday, the last birthday she had ever celebrated.


It had been late, like, three A.M. late, and a sound outside her window woke her up. Being as she was at home, she felt more secure, and leisurely went to pull back the curtains.

Imagine her surprise when she saw Shego crouching outside her window. If she hadnt slapped a hand over her own mouth, she would have woken the entire household. Shego had just smirked at her. The cool night air swirled around Kim as she stared at Shego, unable to figure out what to say.

Surprised to see me? purred Shego, leaning closer so her breath just brushed Kims face.

Kim tried to think of something, anything, to say to the green skinned woman, but her mind was completely blank. Shego only grinned.

Today is your birthday, commented Shego, her green eyes lit by the moon hanging overhead. I have a gift for you.

Kims brow had furrowed, head cocking slightly to the side. A gift? From Shego? In her head, she burst out laughing. There was no chance in the world the thief would get her a gift right?

Shego leaned closer, almost making Kim back away. Only stubborn resolve made her stand still.

But, your gift isnt here. You have to earn it, continued Shego. Her body remained coiled on the window ledge, each curve lit by the moonlight.

Kim was shocked to find herself actually admiring the view, and though she tried to get her mind back on track, she found herself unable to.

Shego didnt miss the curious stare. She almost preened under it, if she hadnt been so set on accomplishing her task.

You have to come out to play though, murmured Shego, leaning even closer, so her breath just grazed Kims ear. Think you can trust me enough to find it?

Kim wanted to blurt out no. She wanted to laugh in Shegos face and push her backwards out the window. She wanted to slam the window closed and crawl back into bed.

She put her lips close to Shegos ear and whispered quietly in her ear.

What game are we playing?

If she had seen Shegos face, she would have seen it split in a wide, happy smile. She probably would have been a little unnerved by it.

Instead, Shego leaned back and smirked mischievously, winking as she rolled backwards and dropped soundlessly to the ground. Kim stared at her wordlessly for a moment before racing to her closet and yanking on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. After she was dressed, and just to show off, she dove head first out the window. Shegos eyes widened as Kim easily pushed off the ground with her hands and flipped around to land on her feet effortlessly.

Shego smirked and rolled her eyes. Kim just grinned back, arms crossed over her chest. Shego then took off across the lawn and over the fence. Kim followed quickly, managing to keep pace as Shego took her for a wild run through the neighborhood and then across the city.

They spent the rest of that morning running around, mostly Kim chasing Shego in a blind game of tag. They each pushed their limits in pure elation as they scaled buildings, raced over rooftops, and basically used the city as their own personal playground.

When they finally came to a stop at the top of a church bell tower, the sun was just starting to cast a small pinkish glow on the horizon. Kim was dangling her feet over the edge, Shego leaning against one of the pillars. They had remained in companionable silence since they left Kims room.

Without saying anything, Shego walked up and lowered the necklace in front of Kim then clasped it around her neck. Kim had blinked in shock, looking down and picking up the pendant as Shego stepped back with a smile.

Shego! Kim spun around to find no one there. Kims bottom lip trembled a bit. She looked down at the pendant again. Its beautiful, she said softly. Hidden in the shadows below Kim, Shego smiled to herself.

——–LG Computer Company——-

Kim sighed. That day had been the best one in her life. It even outdid the one Ron and her had spent together. She hated to admit it too. She loved Ron dearly, but he wasnt the one for her. They had tried it out, but she had a feeling they both knew it wasnt going to work out. They just werent made to be anything more then best friends, except maybe brother and sister.

After that night, Kim had started quizzing herself. She spent hours grilling herself and her feelings. She broke everything down again and again, trying to figure it out. And then it happened.

The world conspired against her. Ron died, and her world was torn apart. She wasnt thinking of Shego any longer. She wasnt thinking of who she was and what she loved most in the world. She wasnt thinking about graduation, or what college she was going to.

She was thinking of pain. She was thinking about her broken heart, her shattered world, and the people she was going to tear apart for ruining everything.

Kim trembled, sending a bone cracking kick into a mans chest. He flew backwards, crashing roughly into the wall.

Kim didnt smile. She didnt feel satisfied. She didnt even feel remorse. She felt anger. She felt betrayed. It twisted her mouth into a broken scowl.

Stalking onward, she sent a fist flying up into the jaw of another agent that burst from around the corner. She didnt stop. He didnt get up.

The next three agents attacked her all at once, but she spun around with a strong kick and sent them all flying. Before they could get up, she threw something small at them and pressed a button. All three jerked as a wave of electricity rocketed through them. It only lasted a breath, but it left them all unconscious.

Kim walked on, her eyes set on a goal no one else could see. She knew the person she wanted to see most was straight ahead, up the stairs on the twelfth floor. She knew it was the last door at the end of the hall.

Kim mumbled a voice.

Kims head snapped around, her eyes blazing. Her lip curled back with a snarl.

What do you want? growled Kim.

Mrs. Possible flinched, her body quivering slightly in fear.

This was her daughter? This was what she helped create? By not saying anything, doing anything, had she caused this? Was this all her fault?

It only took one look into Kims eyes to find the truth. It took only that one look to feel the knife of guilt stab deeply into her heart, to feel the burn shed refused to acknowledge before today. This was all her fault. It made her weep, her sobs filling the empty halls.

Oh Kimmie Im so sorry, she sobbed, hiding her face in her hands. She couldnt bear to see the truth, the anger in Kims eyes. She couldnt bear to see her own shame.

Save it, Kim said coldly, taking a step back in disgust. Youre apologies mean nothing to me, and they mean nothing to Ron.

Mrs. Possible wept on, but she choked out a broken sentence. You have to know

Kim had been turning to leave, but that sentence halted her.

I have to know what? she asked, her voice like ice.

The reason Why Why I chose to keep silent.

Kim snorted.

As if I need to know. It doesnt make a damn bit of difference, does it?

Mrs. Possible winced, but she calmed herself enough to speak. She had to say this. It wouldnt resolve anything. Kim wouldnt forgive her. But, she had to tell Kim the truth.

Do you ever wonder why you can do anything? asked Mrs. Possible.

The question made Kim frown.

What does that have to do with this? demanded Kim.

Everything, whispered Mrs. Possible. She took a deep breath, trying desperately to catch her lost breath. You werent conceived in the normal way.

Kim blinked.

What the hell are you talking about? What the hell do you mean I wasnt conceived in the normal way? What kind of other way is there?! demanded Kim, her hand curling into a tight fist.

Mrs. Possible flinched, but she didnt retreat.

You were part of an experiment.

Kim scowled. She couldnt reject that idea. Both her parents are geniuses after all. And after what theyd done to her, she figured being an experiment was logical.

What kind of experiment?

You were supposed to be genetically enhanced. You were created to be able to do anything, nothing was to be impossible for you. Your father and I had been working on the project with several other scientists for years. We got to know each other pretty well, and we ended up getting married. The project still wasnt complete at the time. We hadnt discovered a way to give our subject birth. Perchance, your father and I, being higher candidates because of our marriage, were picked for the task. I was to carry you, give you birth.

Kim frowned.

If I was an experiment, why was I not raised in a lab? Why did you raise me as a normal person?

That was a large debate. In a lab, you would be untouched by society. However, in the outside world, we could better verify how effectively you were able to take on challenges, seeing as the outside world is unpredictable. I fought the hardest for your freedom because if you carry around a new life inside you for nine months, you become attached to it. I couldnt bear the thought of sticking you in the lab to be poked and prodded for life. I had to set you free. Eventually, with your fathers help and the Directors approval, we were allowed to raise you as our own.

Dr. Director was involved? Was she a founder, a sponsor for all this?

Mrs. Possible nodded, eyes still shedding silent tears.

You were to be monitored at all times. Nothing was to be missed. Your website was the first step. Your first mission was the spring board, and from then on, everything was conditioned for your growth. You were spectacular. No one could doubt that you could do anything.

Kim snarled, half tempted to smack the woman as hard as she could.

Then why the hell did they kill me?! Why did they kill Ron?! If things were going so well, why the fuck did they send assassins after me?! Why did you let them?!

Mrs. Possible began trembling again, hunching in on herself.

Y-you were too good. You outperformed their expectations, so startling so, that they were worried they wouldnt be able to control you much longer. You were becoming a threat. They tried to regain control, they tried to slow your growth, but your fights against Miss Go only sent your abilities soaring. They panicked. At the rate you were going, you would easily out power the entire Team Go and Team Impossible all at the same time, and that included Shego.

What did Ron have to do with any of this?

He was a wild card, stuttered Mrs. Possible. He had an unexplainable amount of luck and random intuition. It sent everything into an upheaval because everything he did couldnt be rationalized. Nothing he did made sense, but it worked perfectly for him, though at odd times. With him around, your stats skyrocketed, and again, made you that much more of a threat because you two couldnt be separated.

So you killed him?! You sent assassins after us?! You chose to erase us, rather then face the consequences of your own actions?! Why couldnt you say anything?! Why did you have to let us walk right into their trap?! Did you hate me that much?!

Mrs. Possible fell to her knees, sobbing.

No! No, no, no! I could never hate you! she wailed, rocking back and forth. I loved you! I couldnt bear the thought of losing you!

THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU LET ME GO?! bellowed Kim, a lone tear streaking down her cheek.

B-because! Of all the fates you faced, death was the least horrible! she cried, her voice high pitched and nearly hysterical. They would have made you their lab rat! They would have caged you! They would have drugged you, and beat you, and ran you back and forth to deaths door and back again! It would have been terrible! They would have ruined you! They would have ripped you to pieces and put you back together again, just to see how you ticked! They would have bled you dry then started all over again!

Kim was frozen in shock. There was no lie hidden in those words. The elder redhead spoke nothing but the truth.

For all shed done, Mrs. Possible couldnt see her baby girl turned into the thing she originally started as. She couldnt see her baby girl turned into a walking experiment. Though it made her no less guilty, it was the best she could think of doing, for she was powerless against GJ, against her husband. She wasnt as strong as her daughter. She wasnt confident or skilled. The only thing she could do, was hope that Kim was killed swiftly, and that she didnt feel any pain.

Kim couldnt forgive the woman. Though the womans admission was nothing but the truth, she had hurt Kim far too much. Kim was too broken to accept the womans apology. The rift between them would forever be there, even though a part of Kim was wreathed in pain in wanting to reach out to the woman, to cling to the part of her life that was good, the stuff that was almost perfect, the life of before. But the past couldnt be brought back, and Ron would remain dead. All in all, all she could accomplish was a future that she would build of her own hands.

If you truly feel regret for your actions, whispered Kim hoarsely, take Tim and Jim and get out of here. Get as far away as you can, and never look back. Do right by them, like you could never do with me.

Mrs. Possible trembled before her daughter, her heart breaking all that much more at her daughters words. There was nothing she could do but nod, her voice too choked up with sobs.

Kim wordlessly turned around and walked away, never once glancing back.

A/N: Can I just say Holy Crap! This chapter was most definitely interesting to write! It just came out! Definitely want to hear your takes on this! Hope youre positively hooked! ;)

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