Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Cave In Chapter 1

Kim Possible Porn Story: Cave In Chapter 1

Jackie entered the cave that he had been searching for, for weeks. He
looked carefully around searching for any artifacts. He had come for one in
particular however, it was an ancient manuscript supposed to be hidden here
in ruins found deeper within. As he walked further into the cave he did not
notice the two people sneaking along furtively behind his back. One was, as
usual, Jackies niece Jade. One although, was not related to Jackie. He was
the international crime syndicate leader Valmont. Jade was about to hide
behind a curve in the cave when Jackie, hearing footsteps, whirled around
and grabbed her by the shoulders.

Jade! He said exasperatedly, I told you to wait with Uncle and Toh-
ru in the hotel!

But Jackie, she whined, I wanted to come with Jackie sighing,
walked further into the cave. Jade, skipping along happily, followed after.
Reaching the very back of the cave Jackie spotted writings upon the far
wall in some form of ancient hieroglyphics. Sighing he walked to the end
and began to slowly translate the pictures.

According to this, he said aloud you have to push this stone here
and it opens upon a chamber containing the manuscript.

Thank you Chan yet again for solving the mystery for me. Valmont
said appearing from behind a curve in the wall. Jackie prepared himself to
fight as Valmont slowly approached him. He waved a hand behind his back,
hoping Jade would realize he wanted her to get out as fast as she could.

You will not have the manuscript. Jackie said edging around to keep
himself between the block and Valmont. Even as he turned the dark hand
appeared behind him and managed to grab his arms and hold them behind him.

Got him big V. Fin said smiling. They pulled Jackie away from the
stone needed to open the door. Valmont walked calmly over and pushed the
stone inward. It creaked slowly inward of its own volition after the
initial push. Smiling greedily Valmont backed away from the stone. Suddenly
big stone cracks began to appear in the ceiling, walls, and floor of the
cave. Pushing Jackie away from them the dark hand ran to the entrance.

Every criminal to himself! Ratso shouted dashing for the entrance.
Jackie and Valmont both began to run as well. Jade was shouting Jackies
name as he ran but, just before he and Valmont got there the entrance to
the cave collapsed.

Jackie! Jade screamed while the dark hand looked on in horror. I
knew a cell phone would come in handy.

Oh No! Will either Jackie or Valmont make it out alive??!!?? Youll find
out next time on Jackie Chan Adventures!

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