Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Cave In Chapter 4

Kim Possible Porn Story: Cave In Chapter 4

Uncle you finally got here! Jade exclaimed. Jackie has been stuck
in there awhile and the Dark Hand ran out of money to lose to me in poker!
Jackie is stuck in there with Valmont and who knows what theyre doing to
each other


Do you know how hard it is to be a criminal mastermind? You are
constantly surrounded by people who want to capture you and your always
idiotic lackeys! It is a lot harder than it looks to get your tail kicked
whenever you do anything by some karate kid! Valmont was ranting at Jackie
who was counting the number of holes in the ceiling.

5,724, 5,725. Yes, yes it is very hard to be you and so on. Can we
concentrate on getting out of here now? Being cooped up in here with a man
suddenly regretting turning to a life of crime is all very nice but I would
really like to get out of here now. Jackie turned around and once again
began trying to figure a way out.

We are never getting out of here. This is awful. Maybe that talking
statue could get us out of here. Valmont headed back toward the rear of
the cave.

Uh no. Jackie said hurriedly I already asked her and she said no.
Valmont glanced at Jackie suspiciously before pretending to go back.
Dashing past Jackie he ran into the secret room.

Shes gone! Valmont shouted Wait a minute what is this. Where the
statue had once stood there was a stone that looked loose. Valmont pried
the stone away from the loose mortar barely holding it in place. Beneath
there appeared to be a tunnel with a rope ladder descending down into it.
Yes, I just found our way out Chan! Valmont rushed down the ladder, which
being very old and rotted collapsed beneath his weight. He landed very hard
at the bottom about 8 feet down Yeah, I know just dont say I told you so
alright? Valmont looked up at Jackie who appeared amused.

Ah but you see, I didnt say I told you so. He replied smoothly. Jackie
leapt down the distance easily, crouching at the bottom and jumping back a
couple steps to absorb the shock from the landing. Pulling the still
sitting Valmont to his feet, Jackie grabbed a flashlight from a pocket and
flipped it on. He swung the narrow beam of light around. It revealed that
what appeared to be a hole was truly a short passage ending a walk away in
a well lit room. Looking confused both Jackie and Valmont walked forward
cautiously. As they entered the huge room, they looked about themselves in
awe. The cave walls were polished smooth and looked like marble. The
ceiling also polished smooth, ended many many feet above the two men. The
whole room gave the feeling of some majestic cathedral. Centered in the
room, there was a short pedestal placed upon a dais. There were some short
steps leading up to the platform. Valmont and Jackie stepped upward
carefully. As they reached the top their mouths dropped open in stunned
amazement. Upon the pedestal lay a purple tasseled cushion. The source of
their amazement however, lay upon the cushion itself. There sat an emerald
about the size of a curled fist. Valmonts eyes lit upon this treasure, and
greed showed openly in them.

He reached out his right hand to grab it. Before touching it however he
waved his hand above and around it. Feeling no trip wires of any sort he
grasped the emerald. Jackie reaching to stop him grabbed his wrist. Even as
he did so, a huge flash of light illumined the room.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Valmont screamed. Jackie looking questionably at him
yelped as well. They were looking at their own bodies! Oh No! That stupid
emerald has switched our spirits! I hate magic! I HATE IT I HATE IT!
Valmont was freaking out.

Calm down Jackie tried to say rationally but was interrupted by Valmont.

Look you might be ok with this but I am not. Just because you got my
superb body and face is no reason to be happy! I mean look what I got stuck
with! Oh my beautiful face. By this time Valmont was slumped on the floor,
not even realizing what he had said.

Jackie glared at him before saying We most likely need only hold the stone
in a similar way and it should undo the transformation. Jackie placed
Valmonts hand on the stone and took hold of his wrist. Looking around
anxiously..Nothing happened. Valmont slumped back down with the stone
still tight in his fingers. Jackie practically dragged him back to where
the trap door entrance appeared as a hole in the ceiling. Once Uncle gets
us out of here he can help us change back. As Jackie said this he jumped
up onto a cornered section of the wall and bounced back through the

Didnt know I could do that. Valmont said before grasping Jackies
proffered hand and pulling himself up.

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