Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: A Long Life Chapter 13

Kim Possible Porn Story: A Long Life Chapter 13

AN: I don’t own anything from the show Kim Possible. Not the characters, not the organizations, not the locales. I own Thomas, Elizabeth, and the as yet unnamed villain.

Thanks go to my kind reviewers. Your words help keep me going. You are part of the reason I’m still doing this.

In this chapter, I mention a couple of defense industry companies. I intend in no way to denigrate their fine services to our men and women in the military, nor is any actual detail I give about them accurate in any way. Nor do I own them. Wish I did though. Then I’d be stinking filthy rich. Can I get a Booyah?

After breakfast, the three women accompany Thomas down to his limo. The driver takes them along a circuitous route, eventually ending up back in the factory district.

Looking out the window, Kim asks with a frown, “I thought we were going to Global Justice?”

“We are” Thomas says, “We’re heading to one of the entrances now.” The limo pulls to a stop in front of a nondescript factory, black smoke belching from the smokestacks on the roof, and Thomas gets out, holding the door open for the women.

Once he’s closed the door, the limo pulls away, and Thomas puts his hands in his jacket’s pockets and walks to the factory. Using an odd-looking key, he opens the door and holds it open until Elizabeth, Kim, and Shego have entered. Following them in, the door shuts behind him, locking automatically as he pockets his key.

Inside, the factor looks brand new, metal pressing machines operating smoothly, completely automated it appears, as there are no workers present, just robot arms moving pieces from machine to machine, skipping over one machine in the center, yellow caution tape around it. Thomas heads for that machine, sliding under tape and standing next to the machine. Elizabeth follows without hesitation, followed by Shego, who only hesitates for a moment. Kim takes a moment, looking around in confusion, “Shouldn’t there be even a single worker to maintain the machines?” she asks as she hesitantly slips under the tape, moving to stand next to Elizabeth, on the opposite end from Shego.

“He’s on break” Thomas says, grabbing a lever. Giving it a pull, he steps closer to the machine, as does everyone else when an engine whines, metal rattling. There’s a sudden lurch, and the floor starts lowering. An elevator, disguised as a broken down machine, “Stay away from the edge” Thomas says as they drop beneath the factory floor, revealing a massive room, the floor at least 50 feet below. Men in GJ uniforms stand at the ready, fire-arms aimed at the elevator as it slowly descends.

With a loud metal clang, the elevator settles onto the floor, sinking until it’s level. The soldiers aiming at the elevator focus their weapons on it’s four occupants, a man with the insignia of a major approaching, “State your authorization,” he barks out.

Thomas looks at Elizabeth with a smirk, “You want to? or should I?” he asks.

“Oh can I papa?” Elizabeth asks with a grin

“Be my guest,” Thomas says with a bow, and waving his arm to encompass the soldiers

Elizabeth smiles even wider, then steps forward, “Authorization Omega 1 and Omega 2.”

“And two guests,” Thomas says, suppressing a laugh when the soldiers all snap to attention, and snap a salute.

“Sorry sir,” the major says, holstering his gun, “We were told to expect you”

“Hell of a way to show it,” Thomas says with a scowl. The major is about to speak when Thomas brushes past him, the three women following.

“This branch of Global Justice was founded a few years ago,” Thomas says, ” The whole Ron Factor thing was this branch’s first major operation.”

“If only they knew how close they came to figuring it out,” he mutters.

“What are you talking about?” Shego asks, “Ron Factor?”

“Long story short, Global Justice believed Ron possessed some innate quality, pertaining to chaos theory, that enabled Kim to win as often as she did,” Elizabeth says.

“They thought it was the buffoon that enabled Princess to win?” Shego asks, scoffing.

“Hey!” Kim says as Thomas shrugs.

“What did Kim do on the missions concerning you and Drakken?” Thomas asks.

“She fought me of course,” Shego says

“And what did Ron do?” Elizabeth asks, father and daughter tag teaming Shego.

“He went around being the klutz and destroying things,” Shego responds as if that was obvious.

“Exactly,” Thomas says, “Ron was the one who destroyed the doomsday weapons. Ron was the one who hit the self-destruct switches. I dare say, despite what people thought, Kim here was the distraction, while Ron did the real work of stopping the villains a lot of the time.”

“But…” Shego says, then thinks things over. Now that she thought about it, Ron had usually proven to be a greater threat to Drakken’s plans than Kim. Smirking, she turns to Kim, ready to ride her about that, but stops when she sees Kim smiling proudly, glad that someone finally recognized Ron’s efforts. Recognized that Ron wasn’t the sidekick. That he had always been her partner, her equal.

“And must I remind you of Zorpox?” Thomas asks, looking at Shego, smirking when she shudders at that memory.

Before too long, Thomas leads them through a small door, entering what appears to be a conference table. A long table dominates the center of the room, 16 chairs surrounding the table. Most of the chairs are occupied with high ranking GJ personnel, Betty Director sitting at one end, Will Du next to her, with Rufus on the table before them. Monitors line the wall, most of the monitors showing news from various broadcasters, most of them shuffling between three locations of devastation. And on the center-most monitor is Wade

Thomas takes the chair on the other side of Betty Director, across from Will Du, who scowls when Shego sits next to Thomas, Elizabeth and Kim taking their seats elsewhere at the table. Once seated, Doctor Director slides a Kimmunicator towards Kim, who pockets it with a smile of thanks for Wade and Betty.

“What is she doing here?’ Will asks, glaring at Shego.

“She’s here because I want her here,” Thomas says

“And who are you?” Will asks

“I’m the guy who outranks you,” Thomas says, smiling serenely as Shego smirks

“Impossible,” Will says, chest swelling in affront, “I am second in command of Global Justice. I answer only to Doctor Director.”

“Which explains so much,” Thomas says sardonically, “Capture any super-villains lately?” he asks Will sweetly.

“We just captured Professor Dementor,” Will Du says.

“No. Kim, Shego, my daughter and I captured him,” Thomas says, “Or rather, he surrendered to us when the first attack occurred. Speaking of which” he says, turning to Betty, who’s been hiding a smirk behind her hand at the exchange, “I can assume by the video on the monitors, there was another attack?

Seeing she has Thomas’ undivided attention, she straightens up and says, “At 0800 local time, London was hit by the weapon. Like Mumbai and Denver, all that remains is a crater.”

“Damn,” Thomas says, sinking into his seat, “London Proper? Or was the metro area affected as well?”

“London’s entire metropolitan area, just like Denver and Mumbai,” Betty says.

“Another 15 million,” Elizabeth says, shoulders shaking in suppressed sobs.

“All the more reason to get started” Thomas says softly, watching as Kim comforts Elizabeth.

“Indeed,” Betty Director says, looking at Rufus, who’s looking around for Ron.

“Where Ron?” Rufus asks, looking at Kim.

“That’s what we’re hoping you can tell us Rufus” Thomas says. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a baggie of crumbled cheese and tosses it in front of Rufus, “I’m sure Will forgot to feed you this morning, so here. When you’re ready, I’d like to ask your help”

“Okay” Rufus says, before tearing at the bag to get the cheese. Shego makes a face of disgust at how the naked rodent tears into the cheese, Elizabeth looking away as Thomas, Kim and Wade watch with amusement, Will and Betty looking on with detached professionalism.

When Rufus lays on his back, belly distended, stuffed full of cheese, Thomas asks, “You up for helping us find Ron?”

Rufus hops to his feet, nodding his head rapidly, “hnk Yeah yeah”

“Good” Thomas says, then looks around at everyone before looking once more at Rufus, “Ok little friend, we have two options here. The first involves just you. Ron and you received the same powers from the same source. I believe that may have created a link between you two. I also believe that you share the same link with Monkey Fist” to which Rufus growls. Thomas smiles and raises his hand, “However, I believe the connection is stronger between Ron and yourself for the simple fact that you two are friends.”

Sliding open a panel on the thick table, he reveals a keyboard. Typing on it, a holographic globe appears above the table as he says, “I want you to focus on Ron. Picture him in your mind. Then focus on the globe and tell me which place feels best to you. Can you do that Rufus?”

“Hnk Try” Rufus squeaks out before he closes his eyes and starts breathing deeply. Everyone, except for Kim and Thomas, reacts when Rufus is suddenly surrounded by a bright blue glow and starts floating a few inches above the table.

“Can you feel him, Rufus?” Thomas asks. When Rufus nods, Thomas gives a sigh of relief and says, “Good. Now, focus on the map. Show us where your Ron is”

Rufus nods, annoyed by the human’s voice. Just another, slightly more annoying, noise amidst the cacophony that is the Mystical Monkey Power. He focuses on that noise, millions of monkeys babbling, cooing, screeching in the back of his mind. Normally the voices are low enough that he can ignore them. Now, he focuses on them, listening for the one voice amongst the many. The one voice that was the most important. The voice that had brought him home on day all those years ago. The voice that fed him, treated him when he was sick. Gave him cheese. The voice of his human.

There. The voice is different, scared and in pain, and real faint, but he hears it now. Rising higher in the air, he rotates around the globe until he’s facing North America, then points. Doctor Director opens her own panel, and changes the globe to a map of North America. When Rufus points again, she magnifies where he points, changing it to a map of Colorado.

It’s there that Rufus frowns. Here it becomes difficult for him. He can hear his master, but in this spot there are many voices, begging to be heard. He manages to point one last time, Doctor Director zooming the map, showing Colorado Springs, Colorado. Suddenly tired, Rufus settles to the table, then immediately falls asleep. Kim reaches across to grab him, sliding him into an empty pouch of her utility belt.

“Ok, He’s in Colorado Springs” Thomas says, “Which isn’t much help”

Looking at Wade, he says, “Did you manage to analyze that?”

Wade nods and says, as he types on his computer, “Yes. While I cannot identify the energy, it is consistent with what Ron was releasing at the end of the Lorwardian invasion. I believe I can use it to trace Ron. it might take awhile though.” He goes back to typing, then nods, “Got it. He’s in the manufacturing district. Near the Northrop Grumman facility. Sending the coordinates now.”

Kim looks at her Kimmunicator as Thomas and the others look at their own private screens which slide open, “How much did this table cost?’ Shego asks as the space in front of her opens to reveal a built in monitor.

“About 50,000” Betty says, to which Shego whistles.

Looking at the monitor in front of her, Betty says, “That’s the Lockheed Martin factory. It was closed down 6 months ago, due to an undisclosed accident that required the evacuation of the premises.”

“Convenient” Thomas mutters, “Who wants to lay down money that there was indeed no actual accident? Or that if there was one, it wasn’t actually an accident?”

“What would the Lockheed people have to gain by it though?” Betty asks, to which Thomas groans.

“It didn’t have to be Lockheed that faked it” he says, “However, Lockheed’s facilities are extremely advanced. If I remember my reports on them, they’re about 20 years ahead of their time. Which makes sense as one of their board-members was the current Area 51’s head’s predecessor.”

“Ah yes, General Johnson” Betty says, “He retired from military life when offered a lucrative deal to sit on the board of directors at Lockheed. The US government uses him as the military liaison for their defense contracts. I had heard rumors of a deal concerning alien tech.”

“This is all very fascinating,” Kim says, leaning forward, “But how does this help us bring Ron back?”

“You’re right Kimberly” Thomas says, “Here’s the plan. Doctor Director, I want Global Justice Forces to act as a diversion. Occupy any forces that may be present at the facilities. Kim, Shego, Rufus, and I will infiltrate the facilities after your main attack force. We will search out and rescue Ron. If anyone comes across the leader, try to capture him alive. Wade will coordinate the attack and the infiltration.”

“I have heard enough” Will exclaims, rising to his feet, pushing Betty’s hand off his shoulder when she tries to restrain him, “This is a Global Justice matter. We do not answer to amateurs. We will handle this matter ourselves” He’s about to continue when he’s suddenly stopped. Moving faster than anyone had seen, Thomas had leaped onto the table and his foot was now a couple inches away from Will Du’s face.

“Listen here Du,” Thomas says, his voice filled with menace, “I have dealt with your type before. The cocky soldier who thinks he should be in charge, despite the lack of any real qualifications. I have seen your type put in command, and I have seen your type buckle under the strain, putting their people under greater risk than necessary. We are doing this my way. If you have a problem with that, that’s fine. But keep it to yourself. If you are unable to accept my orders, then I will have Doctor Director remove you from your command. And afterwards, I will make sure the most dangerous job you get will be cleaning toilets at the Global Justice Holding Facilities. Do I make myself clear?”

“You dare threaten a member of Global..” Will begins, but stops when Thomas’ foot flexes, tapping Will on the nose and sending his face rocking back slightly. At a glance, it looks like a gentle tap, that Will had over-reacted to the contact, but after a moment, blood slowly leaks from Will Du’s nose.

“Do I make myself clear?” Thomas asks again.

Betty places her hand on Will’s arm, silently commanding him to sit. Looking at Thomas, she’s scowling, “He gets the message. I’ll thank you kindly to get off the table now”

He leaps off the table, then settles into his chair, “I’ll leave the specifics of the GJ assault up to you Betty” he says, bowing his head to the Director.

“If everything is decided then?” Betty asks, rising. When everyone nods, she takes Will by the arm and leads him out of the conference room, whispering urgently to him, her expression indicating she’s chewing him out.

Thomas watches them go, then turns back to the women in the room. He smiles at Kim and says, “Sorry you had to see that. I’ve fought in thousands of battles in my life. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s a pompous solider who thinks he’s better than his rank”

Giving a sigh, he says, “Let’s start planning.” Looking at Wade, he says, “Can you get the Lockheed blueprints up for us Wade? Please and Thank you.”

At Kim’s colloquialism, Wade shakes his head, but begins typing, muttering, “That was intense.”

Once Wade has transmitted the blueprints, the 4 humans and the single naked mole rat in the room gather around a single monitor and start discussing plans.

AN; I know it seems like it’s coming to an end, but I promise, I have more in store for this story. Stay tuned. And as always, please read and review.

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