Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: A Long Life Chapter 14

Kim Possible Porn Story: A Long Life Chapter 14

AN: I don’t own anything. Seriously. I’m flat broke. If I owned Kim Possible, I wouldn’t be.

Thanks to my kind reviewers for their words. And sorry for the delay on this chapter. I actually finished it about 13 hours ago, but I wasn’t able to log in to to upload it.

“Is everyone in place?” Thomas hisses into his headset. Kim, Shego, Elizabeth and Thomas are outside the Lockheed facilities, laying low in the brush at the edge of the facility’s parking lot, waiting for GJ’s forces to move into position.

“Blue team in place,” comes the first in a series of affirmatives. 20 10 man teams are now surrounding the facility, waiting for Thomas’ signal to begin the offensive.

Thomas looks at the women with him. His dark brown eyes, steeled in determination, meet two sets of green eyes, and one set of blue eyes, each equally determined, “Ready?” he asks in a low whisper. At their nods, he keys the mic on his headset and says, “Stick to the plan. Make as much noise as possible. If you come across the leader, try to take him alive. At my mark, move in.”

He slides back the sleeve of his black sweatshirt, counting down the time. When he determines it’s the right time, he says into his mic, “All teams, move in.”

With that, 20 teams, nearly invisible in their urban camouflage, rise up and move towards the facility. Several seconds later, explosions rip through the air, shaped charges blowing doors off hinges, the soldiers moving through the smoke into the building, gunfire shortly following. Thomas counts off a full minute before he rises and starts moving towards the building ahead, the women following him, all four moving silently and keeping low to the ground, each wearing dark outfits.

“We stay together this time” Thomas whispers when they reach a vent leading inwards. Indicating the vent, he looks to Shego, who fires up her plasma and melts through the vent, allowing access. Thomas heads in first, followed by Elizabeth, Kim behind her, with Shego the last to crawl in.

“Have you gained weight Pumpkin?” Shego asks with a snicker, unable to resist.

Kim growls as Thomas shakes his head, “And here I thought we were supposed to be stealthy” he mutters as they move through the ventilation shaft.

After almost 20 minutes of crawling through the twists and turns of a very dusty ventilation system, they reach a large central room. Metal slats bolted to the floor indicates machinery that has been moved. Moved to make room for a steel beam about 8 feet above the floor. Hanging from the beam is Ron, unconscious, battered and bloody, wearing the weapon. Standing around him is about 50 men, including the leader, each of them armed. The henchmen are weaing some kind of leather biker outfits, sleek leather jackets, even motorcycle helmets that hide their faces.

“Damn it” Thomas mutters, then relays what he’s seeing.

“So, let’s go get them” Shego says in a whisper, “We can easily tear through them”

“And while we’re fighting the henchmen, nothing is stopping the leader from slitting Ron’s throat” Thomas whispers back. Shaking his head, he says, “No, we need a plan.”

He scoots back, the others being forced back as he moves. Reaching a juncture, he pauses and says, “We need to divide them. Attack from multiple angles.”

Looking between the women, he says, “Shego, Elizabeth and I will go in. Shego, you and Elizabeth will go for the henchmen, I’ll go for the leader. Kim, you wait until the group is distracted, then you move in and go for Ron”
Moving back to the vent, he looks around, then comes back to the group, “I’m heading up top. Wait for my signal before moving in.” Looking at Kim, he says, “We have a limited amount of time. Only wait a few seconds before coming in.”

When everyone nods, Thomas heads down another shaft.

As they wait, Kim pulls out Rufus and whispers something into his ear. When Rufus nods, she smiles and kisses the top of his bald head before sliding him back into the pouch. Looking at Shego, she has a look of determination. And for once, Shego doesn’t make any smart remarks. She nods briefly to Kim, her eyes holding just as much determination. Elizabeth meanwhile, has slipped to the vent, watching for her father’s signal.

Which comes about 5 minutes later, Thomas dropping from up above, landing in the midst of several of the henchmen. Grabbing two of them by their heads, he slams their heads together hard enough to shatter the helmets, then does a back hand to the face of another henchman, fist shattering the helmet. All three are dropping when Thomas moves, flipping up and over the largest mass of henchmen, heading for the apparent leader.

The moment Thomas hit the ground, Elizabeth and Shego are moving, the vent cover flying off as Shego and Elizabeth dive out. Hitting the ground, they roll forward, and start moving through the henchmen, Shego’s green plasma doing just as much damage as Thomas’ fists are, the henchmen’s weapons about as useful as pillows against the three determined warriors.

Kim watches for a moment, taking the time to appreciate Shego’s fighting style. Normally, she’s on the receiving end of those moves, so she’s never had the chance to actually watch Shego move. And she’s impressed. Most superpowered beings fight like they depend on their superpowers. Not Shego though. Kim gets the impression that even were Shego to be without powers, she wouldn’t be powerless.

Shaking her head, she crawls out of the vent, then starts running and flipping, kicking one or two henchmen that get in her way. Reaching Ron, she pulls out her laser lipstick and cuts Ron down, catching him before he hits the ground. Giving hima quick kiss on the lips, she whispers, “It’s ok Ron. We’re getting out of here”

“I don’t think so” a cheerful voice says, a large body slamming into her, knocking her to the ground on top of Ron. Turning to look, she glares at the leader as she rises to her feet. Looking around, she gasps when she sees Thomas, laid out, his head twisted at an odd angle. Other than the broken neck, he seems fine, if a little upset. Elizabeth is standing over him, her fists and feet moving in a blur as she keeps the henchmen surrounding her at bay.

Turning back to the leader, she watches as he pulls a big thick blade from the sheath at his back, “Ooh. The cheerleader. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m going to enjoy this”

“Not as much as I am” Kim growls, moving into a leaping kick, which the man ducks under, then slams a meaty fist into her gut.

“You don’t get it do you?” he says, moving around her coughing form as she steadies herself. She snaps another kick at his head. This one, he catches and slams his fist into her knee. She grimaces and grunts as muscle gives way, “I was chosen for this task. I have the blessings of my goddess. I can’t lose” He moves in, only to be forced back by a green fireball.

“Bless this” Shego snarls, rushing at him, plasma in full blaze, almost coming to her elbows.

“And the villain too?” he asks, still grinning, “Old Johnny boy is having a good day” Ducking under Shego’s constant barrage of kicks, punches and fireballs, he laughs as he leaps back, landing next to a table.

Smiling, he picks up the Amulet of Alalus, which has been disconnected from the necklace. Waving the amulet, he smiles and says, “Can’t say it’s not been fun. But I gotta run. Toodles kiddos.” He then whispers a single word, and in a blue flash of light, he’s gone, abandoning his henchmen, who surrender immediately when Global Justice finally manages to break into the room.

Medics immediately follow, loading Ron onto a gurney and taking him out, Kim following beside him, never releasing his hand.

When the medics try to load Thomas onto a gurney, he growls and says, “Back off.” Paralyzed, he rolls his eyes at Elizabeth, “You know what needs to be done hun”

With a steady nod, she kneels next to him, then brushes his hair out of his eyes before kissing his forehead, “Forgive me Papa” she murmurs before gripping his head in her two dainty hands, then begins twisting Thomas’ neck, straightening it out. Those that surround them wince as bones grind against each other.

Once his head is straightened, she rises to her feet gracefully, then stands back, watching Thomas with concern. After a moment, Thomas’ eyes widen, his face a rictus of agony as his muscles tighten, his feet and hands rapidly drumming against the floor as severed nerves repair themselves, bones sliding into their correct position and healing. He opens his mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. After what seems an eternity, he relaxes, and slowly rises to his feet, hand on his neck, massaging it as he bends and turns his head in several angles, “Man, I never get used to that” he mutters.

When Doctor Director comes in, she heads straight for Thomas, “What happened?’ she asks, “Where is he?”

“He teleported out” he says, “He grabbed the Amulet of Alalus and teleported out”

“Teleportation is impossible” Doctor Director says, “We’ve done experiments in it. The best we’ve managed is individual atoms”

“That’s science” Thomas says, heading for the exit, “Magic obeys different laws”

Taking one last look around of the building, he says, “We have not seen the last of him.”

AN: so what did you think? I’m not very good at combat scenes, so I hoped I did all right. Next chapter, answers are provided. And Ron wakes up.

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