Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Sidekick No More Chapter 2

Kim Possible Porn Story: Sidekick No More Chapter 2

do not own Kim Possible. She is owned by Disney and Mark McCorkle and
Bob Schooley. Any original characters shown or mentioned belong to me
and can not be used without permission. Got it?

No More

2: Recovery

last few hours had been particularly nerve wrecking for Kim. After
she had recovered from the shock of seeing Rons body, she quickly
had Wade call up the hospital and send in an ambulance as quickly as
they could. When it arrived, Kim and Shego helped the EMTs place Ron
in the back of the vehicle, completely overlooking the fact that
Monkey Fist and his minions had escaped. It barely crossed Kims
mind though as she was totally focused on keeping Ron alive. Or
rather praying that he would be alive. It was a feeling that only
increased when they got to the hospital and had to be separated from
him. Of course praying wasnt her only option. Once she was
finally able to think clearly she had Wade call in the best plastic
surgeons in the country to help with the surgery. A favor from
Global Justice ensure they were on the next super sonic jet to the
hospital and made it there in no time flat. It was just one of the
favors she had to call in that night.

after the surgery, Kim was not allowed to see Ron until after all the
doctors were done examining him. At the moment the two plastic
surgeons she brought in where in Rons room and looking him over as
Kim paced outside in the waiting room, chewing nervously on the tip
of her thumb as Shego tried to comfort her. At about her fifth lap
around the row of plastic chairs, Bonnie came running up to them,
still wearing the white shirt, black pants and orange vest that made
up her Smarty-Mart outfit, complete with name tag. She stopped in
front of them and took a moment to catch her breath before she glared
up at Kim.

is he?! she demanded frantically.

look how finally made it, Shego retorted, a bit defensive at the
brunettes tone towards her nearly traumatized girlfriend.

turned her angered glare towards the older woman.

start with me! she snapped, jabbing a finger in Shegos face. I
go leave work the second you called me but my stupid boss told me
that only could for immediate family members! So I had to stay and
finish the rest of my stupid shift as a nervous wreck!

why didnt you just leave?

of us actually need
to have a job because we dont have tons of money saved up from the
time as a super villain!

sounds like a personal problem to me, Shego retorted.

glared angrily at her for a second as her hands balled up into fists
and her frustration continued to grow. She was about to tear the
pale woman a new one but instead her head snapped over towards Kim
again. Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she stalked forward and
grabbed Kim by the collar to her mission shirt.

could you let this happen?! the brunette screamed, pulling the
redheads face close to her. I thought you were the great
Kim Possible! You could do anything! Except apparently, take care
of your supposed best friend!

shame filled eyes turned away from Bonnies accusing ones. On any
other occasion, the redhead would have given back just as good as she
got and it would probably end up being another back and fourth
between the two of them. Just like the old days in cheerleading
practice. But those days were gone now and she had to deal with the
fact that nothing
would ever be that simple again.

it was all her fault.

scrunched her eyes shut to try to clear the tears out of them. She
then tilted her head in the direction of corner room Ron was
currently in. Bonnie stared longingly at the door for a moment
before the angry glare came back into her eyes and she snapped her
head back towards Kim again, tears starting to well up in the corners
of her own eyes.

suppose to keep him safe! she screamed. You said none ever
really gets hurt on these stupid missions of yours! What happened to

back off! Shego snapped, pulling Kim away from the brunette.
Shes in no condition to handle your bitching!

the outburst just caused the outraged brunette to turn her attention
to the older woman.

were there too, why werent you
trying to help him?! she accused, poking Shego in the chest
roughly with her right index finger.

was helping Kim deal with Monkey Fist, Shego snapped back. How
the hell were we
suppose to know he planted a bomb?! He never did anything like that

arent you heroes supposed
to be the look out for that kind of stuff?!

when were not
expecting it! Thats why its called a surprise!

that surprise nearly killed the guy I love!

it could have killed either of us too, but you dont seem to broken
up about that!

a new voice called out angrily.

three women turned their attention to the source of the voice to see
Dr. Cox marching over to them, an even deeper scowl on his face than
usual. He stopped right in front of them and crossed his arms over
his chest as he glared at each one of them.

is a hospital!
he growled. There are people who are sick and/or dying here and
it would be nice if they could do that in
Now if you two want to go at it so badly Im sure The Janitor
could set up a kiddie pool of lime Jell-O out in the parking lot and
you to could just wrestle around in it to your hearts content but
while youre in this hospital, my
hospital, youre going to be quiet!
Are we clear?!

Dr. Lippy, so
not in the mood to listen to one of your smartass rants, Shego

does She-Hulk want to go, cause well go, Dr. Cox challenged as
he started to wave his fists around like a 1920s style boxer.

the scene could degenerate any further, the two doctors who were
examining Ron finally stepped out of his room. Unlike the other
doctors in the hospital they were dressed in rather expensive
looking, well tailored suits. The taller of the pair has short,
black hair and kept checking out every female nurse, doctor, and
patient that crossed his path. He looked more like he was in a club
looking to score a one night stand rather than a doctor who had just
checked up on a patient.

shorter one had short brown hair and seemed much more professional.
He also had the look of a man who had taken a serious beating from
life but tried not to let it get to him. He was looking over Rons
chart as they walked over to where the quartet stood waiting to hear
whatever news they had to share. Or at least the three women were.
Dr. Cox looked even more annoyed than before as he focused his ever
present evil eye on the other two doctors.

if it isnt my least
favorite versions of surgeons ever: the plastic surgeons. And if
that isnt bad enough one of them has to be the biggest horn dog
since Caligula, he remarked, staring intently at the taller one.

to see you again too Perry, the other doctor remarked.

two know each other? Shego asked, noticing the underlying tension
between them.

met, Dr. Cox said curtly.

like encountered each other, the darker haired doctor quipped.
Sean you remember I mentioned Perry. Hes the guy who wouldnt
go any further in his career because hes such an intolerable ass
none of his bosses can stand him.

dat, Dr. Kelso muttered as he walked by the group.

Cox gave him an odd look for a second then turned his attention back
to the other two.

we have
met before, he said, answering Shegos question. Allow me to
introduce Dr. Christian Troy, one of the best plastic surgeons in the
country. Of course thats like saying E. Coli is one of the best
deceases in the country.

Christian countered. So Perry, hows that hot wife of yours?

as shrewish and hate filled as ever. Id ask how are all your
various girlfriends are but Im sure at this point theyre all
rotten from the inside by all the various STDs youre crawling
around inside you.

have you know I get myself checked regularly and I have a clean bill
of health.

obviously that doctors as much of a quack as you are.

me, Sean interrupted, stepping forward. Now I dont mind you
calling out Christian on his sexual indiscretions, hell Ive said
worse myself, but I will not
have you undercutting either of our abilities as doctors.

Well thats
interesting word for you to use, Dr. Cox said in a mocking tone.
Of course thats not surprising considering you scalpel jockeys
know how to speak in terms of knives and cutting and anything else
that doesnt require higher level thought processes.

is your problem with us, anyway?

cynical doctors eyes suddenly lit up like that of a kids on
Christmas morning. A sideways smirk crosses his face as he took a
deep breath before even trying to answer the question.

I am just so glad you asked the question, he beamed. You see
my problem with you is the same problem I have with all the surgeons
here. And you meant want to lean in close cause its a bit of a
secret. He then leaned forward and placed a hand over one side of
his mouth for dramatic effect. The thing is, youre not really
doctors. None of the surgeons Ive ever
met have been real doctors, theyre just walking scalpels and other
pointy things that like to just go around cutting whatever gets in
their way.

to be fair the surgeons here actually do serve somewhat
of a purpose as sometimes us real doctors do
need to push our patients into the operating room to get something
cut out. Of course half the time we dont expect to get them back
because surgeons brains are just too tiny they cant seem to
comprehend the complexities of the human body. Nevertheless its a
chance that needs to be taken.

however, perform completely unnecessary surgeries by preying on
peoples fears of the imperfections in their bodies, most of which
are not
that big a deal.

what about the things that are
a big deal? Sean countered. Tumors that need to be removed?

that have to be repaired? Any number of reconstructive surgery?

I would recommend that they go to a real
hospital where real
surgeons can kill them. At least that way they have a better chance.
Not a big one mind you, but still a better one.

how is Ron, Dr. McNamara? Kim spoke up, abruptly ending the fight
between the two doctors.

regarded Kim with a sorrowful expression. He hated giving bad news
to grieving family or friends. It was the absolute worst part of
being a doctor. While the news he had to give wasnt completely
bad he could also tell the by redheads face that it wasnt going
to be the news she wanted to hear. He cast his eyes down to the
clipboard in his heads as he tried to think of the best way to tell
her her friends fate.

as Im sure youre aware he had multiple scars and a few minor
burns all over his body. Particularly on his face. To be honest
its a miracle hes even alive at all, he started

what everyone keeps telling me, Kim muttered a bit bitterly.

what does that mean?! Is he going to be alright?! Bonnie cried
out desperately.

hes going to be fine, and well try to fix as many of his scars
and burns as we can but… he paused to let out a deep sigh.
Some of them are
going to be permanent. The tissue is just too deeply damaged for us
to get rid of them completely. Im sorry.

any other good news there doc? Shego scoffed.

never going to be able to talk again. Im sorry but his vocal
cords and voice box were just too badly damaged.

eyes screwed shut again as she turned and buried her head in Shegos
shoulder. Shego brought her hand up and gently held Kims head as
she whispered into her ear to try to comfort her. Bonnie stared wide
eyed in shock for a moment before she stumbled back into one of the
plastic chairs and buried her face in her hands as tears started to
flow freely. The assembled doctors looked at the three grieving
women with the same mix of frustration and sorrow they usually felt
when they couldnt help a patient. Dr. Cox decided to take his
frustration out on the two plastic surgeons who irritated him so.

you two butchers are done. Why dont you just get the hell out of
here?! he snarled.

know what? Fine. But we will
be back here tomorrow morning to start treatment on our patient,
Sean snapped back then took a card from his coat pocket and handed it
to Shego. If you have any questions please feel free to call us.

she took the card from him, Christian walked in between them and
threw an arm over his friends shoulder.

on Sean, if they dont want us around Im sure we can find some
way to pass the time. Theres going to be some clubs we can scope
out in this little town, he said in slightly arrogant tone.

Cox continued to glare at the two until they rounded the corner and
disappeared from sight. He then turned his attention to the three
women still in front of him and quickly thumbed his nose as he
crossed his arms again.

now you three, he started in his usual stern and annoyed voice.
You can either stand out here and continue to bicker amongst
yourself in which case Id get that giant security guard with the
fro and hook hand to forcibly remove you from the building. Or you
could stay here and cry all over the floor which would probably cause
it to become so slick The Janitor would have to come by and mop up
and trust me you reeeee-eeeeeee-aaaallydo
want to get on his bad side and yes I do speak from personal
experience. Or, and this is a crazy idea, you could pull yourselves
together, get your asses in there and give that boy the one thing he
needs now more than ever: friends. Someone he knows who cares about
and can give him the strength he needs to pull through this. He
paused to title his head a bit. So, whats it going to be?

Shego and Bonnies eyes turned to Kim. They all knew that she
should rightfully be the first to go into Rons room. Even if
Bonnie wanted nothing more than to run into that room right now and
try to hug and kiss his wounds away. But she would have to wait her
turn. No matter how much it pained her.

her part, Kim desperately wanted to go into that room. She wanted
to go see how Ron was doing and try to cheer him up. She wanted to
do that more than life itself. But she couldnt. She just
She knew Shego and Bonnie were expecting her to go first because of
the bond she and Ron shared. A bond that had formed in Pre-K and
lasted throughout their whole school career. It even survived their
short and rather awkward relationship. But it was this very bond
that was holding her back. She was supposed to the responsible one
of the duo. She was supposed to look out for him. She was supposed
to keep him safe.

she failed. She failed on so
many levels. The thought of going into that room and seeing him
laying there hurt and suffering because of her
was just too much.

cant! she cried out before she spun around and ran down the
hallway, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

Kim wait! Shego called out, running after her without a second

Cox watched them both run off with a disappointed scowl on his face.

theyre out, he muttered.

then focused his eyes on the remaining brunette.

Get in there! he commanded, nodding his head towards the door
then adding with a whistle, Go on! Get!

stared at him blankly for a moment. At first her natural resentment
of being told what to do kicked in, but it was quickly buried under
the mountain of exhaustion she was feeling as well as her need to go
into the room and check on her boyfriend. So she clenched her jaw
and nodded then made her way over to where Ron lay silently. As Dr.
Cox turned to watch her walk into the room, he felt a very familiar
and very annoying presence suddenly slide up next to him.

its that kind of care for your patients that makes you my hero and
inspiration, JD said tenderly as he placed a hand on Dr. Coxs

take your hand off me or I swear by all that is holy you will be
doing your rounds with a bloody stump, he warned.

quickly did as he was told and took an extra step back as a

ya go, Dr. Cox muttered with a nod.

was oblivious to the rather odd scene taking place in the hallway as
all her attention was focused on the mostly still body laying in the
bed in front of her. If it wasnt for the gentle rise and fall of
his chest and the rhythmic beating of the heart monitor she could
swear that Ron wasnt alive at all. But thank God he was. She
didnt think she could handle losing him. Not after everything
else she lost. She couldnt lose the one good thing she had in her
life right now.

took a few careful steps over to the bed and rested her hands on the
guardrails surrounding it. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked
down at his bandaged head. She just couldnt imagine that his
boyish, freckled covered face was gone now. Well obviously it wasnt
gone but from what those two plastic surgeons had said hed never
look the same again. It was just so…unbelievable. To not see that
goofy grin on his face again. To hear his infectious laugh when he
found something really funny. Things that she
didnt find particularly funny but she couldnt help but laugh
when she heard him in the throws of a good belly laugh. It made her
regret that she has put him down and ignored him all those years in
high school.

now all that was gone. He wouldnt be able to laugh again, let
alone even talk.
She let out a long, heavy sigh as she sat down in the chair next to
the bed then snaked her arm through the railing to gently cup his
hand with her own. She gave it a soft squeeze as a tear slowly slid
down her cheek. She knew that Kim blamed herself for what happened
to him, and even she had blamed the redhead at first, but she knew
who was really
to blame…

all my fault, Bonnie sobbed. Its my bad karma! I was
starting to get too happy and for some reason you
were punished for it. Im sorry Ron, Im so sorry. If I had
known I never would have asked you out. I never would have stayed
with you!

covered her eyes with her free hand as she wept openly. Normally she
wouldnt allow herself to be seen like this. To look weak. It was
why she was so stubborn in asking for Kims help. She was supposed
to be a strong, independent woman you didnt really need anyone.
But now she did. She needed
Ron and the thought of him being so badly hurt was just too much for
her. She shoulders trembled as she continued to cry for a minute or
so. She really wasnt sure how long she cried but it felt like
forever to her. Eventually though she was able to regain control of
her emotions and fought the tears back. She rubbed her now bloodshot
eyes and focused her blurry version on Rons still form.

shouldnt have stayed with you, she repeated softly as she
tightened her grip on his hand a bit. But now that I have
stayed, I never want to leave you. And-and I wont. I promise you
that. No matter whatll happen or what youll look like Ill
be there for you, you hear that? You did so much for me over the
last few months and now its my turn to repay you. I just…I just
want you to get better. Just please
get better, okay?

let out another sigh and dipped her head a bit in sadness. It
snapped back up again when she felt him squeeze her hand back a bit.
Her eyes widened with hope but fell again slightly when she saw he
was still asleep. Still, it was a sign that he was not only alive
but had heard her somehow. That was good enough for her for now.
She smiled softly and returned the squeeze, hoping that he would get
her message.


wandered around the hospitals hallways in her search for Kim. She
had planned to just follow the sounds of crying but it seemed there
were far more of those in hospitals than she ever would have
expected. This of course made it rather difficult for her to track
down her own grieving girlfriend. She eventually did stumble upon
her in a row of three plastic chairs down an mostly empty hallway.
She had her head buried in the crock of her elbow and her body was
trembling slightly. Shego inhaled deeply before she carefully walked
over to Kim, trying not to startle her. She sat down in the chair
next to her and laid a soft, comforting hand on her shoulder to let
her know she was there. Kim immediately took the unspoken offer and
once again buried her head in the older womans shoulder. Shego
wrapped her arms around the redhead and gently padded her back and

be okay Kimmie, she said, trying to sooth Kim as best as she

will it be okay?! she wailed, looking up at Shego with wet,
reddened eyes. Rons laying there in a disfigured mess and its
all my fault!

its not!
Shego insisted. If you want to play the blame game then lay it on
the person it really belongs to: Monkey Fist. Hes the one who
tried to steal that stupid scroll thing and hes
the one that set that bomb. So its all his

was the one who forced him to go! Kim spat out through her sobs.
He wouldnt even have been there if it wasnt for me!

thats just crap! the older woman challenged.

then tucked her fingers under the redheads chin and held her head
up to force her to look her in the eyes.

you listen to me, Kim Possible, she started forcefully. I know
Ive made a lot of snide remarks of Ron not being the brightest
bulb but even I
know hes not that
stupid! She sighed then her expression and tone softened. Look,
Rons not some completely blindly loyal puppy. He didnt go on
that mission or any
mission just because you told him too. Yeah that was probably part
of it, but the real reason hes out there with you is because like
you, he knows its the right thing to do. Youre both
so irritably goodie-goodie it drives me nuts sometimes!

right corner of her lip curled back a bit in a smirk as her thumb
gently rubbed Kims chin.

thats exactly what I love about you and what I can…tolerate
about him, she confessed. Youre heroes. More so then me
even in my Team Go days. And every hero knows the risks of going out
there and doing the right thing. You put your life on the line every
time. You know, I know it, and Ron knew it. He still took that
chance though because it was the right thing to do. He wanted
to do it. Trust me even dogs are only so loyal. Yeah its
horrible this had to happen but it was just a freak accident. There
was nothing either of us could have done about it, so stop
blaming yourself or Im gonna go back to kicking your ass, got it?

very small smile tugged at the edges of Kims mouth for a second
but it quickly faded. Still it was enough encouragement for Shego to
crack a smile of her own. She leaned forward to give Kim a quick,
hopefully uplifting, kiss on the lips.

as much as I hate
to agree with that jackass Dr. Cox, hes right, we really should
be in there to support Ron, she said.

comfort Kim felt before quickly evaporated at the thought of having
to step into that room. Even after Shegos pep talk she couldnt
quite get over the feelings of guilt and shame when thinking about
the injured Ron. She shook her head violently and buried her face in
Shegos shoulder once more.

cant, she blubbered. Not just yet. I just cant go in
there yet.

okay Kimmie, Shego soothed her. You dont have to go in
there right n

but you will eventually. For now…how about we just go home and get
some sleep? Maybe…maybe thatll help you get your strength

nodded and slowly pulled herself away from the older woman. She
rubbed her red, swollen eyes free of any linger tears then slowly
stood up. Shego stood with her to and placed her hand on her
shoulder for support. She pulled her in close as they started to
walk down the hallway in search of the nearest exit. Kim looked
behind them as they walked, staring down the long, white hallway.
She knew she wasnt anywhere near the room Ron was in but she still
felt like she was looking right at it and could practically feel
Rons eyes on her.

sorry Ron. Im just so, so sorry,

she thought sorrowfully with another tear rolling down her right


was near dawn when the pair arrived home. The events of the last few
hours had been exhausting and it was now finally starting to catch up
with them. Kim in particular could barely make it through the door.
Her eyes dropped and her shoulders slumped as she dragged her feet
through the living room. Shego was close behind her and was just
more awake and coherent then her girlfriend but she was very much
looking forward to slipping into bed and getting some sleep after all
this whole ordeal. Which is why she let out an loud, irritated growl
when she heard the phone ring.

why dont you go ahead into the bedroom and Ill deal with
whoever the hell this is, she snarled.

redhead nodded wordlessly as she continued to her make her way
towards for the bedroom. Shego watched her for a second then stomped
into the kitchen to stop that annoying ringing. She snatched the
phone off the hook and brought it roughly to her ear.

she snarled.

Is everything alright? Anns distressed voiced sounded from the
other side.

pale green woman let out a small sigh of relief and embarrassment as
she relaxed.

about that Ann, its been kind of a…rough night, she

Ive heard. Some friends from the hospital called and told me what
happened to Ron. Is he alright?

Shego answered, not really sure what to tell her. But apparently
his face is going to be scarred up for…ever. And he wont be
able to talk again.

heard a horrified gasp from the other end of the line.

my God. Poor Ron… Ann whispered in shock.

its…well its not the best situation to deal with, the pale
green woman replied with a heavy sigh.

take it Kims not handling it well.

really, she response as she twirled a strand of her ebony longs
around her finger nervously. That kinda brings me to my next
question. Do you…think you can watch Shin for another day? With
everything thats going on here lately I dont think Kimmies
really ready to handle her again and Ive
got to deal with her,

could almost feel the smile on Anns lips as she answer.

course, she said cheerfully. Its kind of been fun having
another baby around here. Plus the boys have taken a real liking to
their baby niece.

gonna pretend I didnt hear that last part. Just make sure they
dont try to launch her into space or something.

you sound just like Kim.

something I never thought Id hear in my life,

Shego thought in amusement. Aloud she replied, Well in any cause
I appreciate it. And, um, Rons parents…?

break the news to them, Ann replied in a more somber tone.

Thanks for everything Ann.

welcome. Just do you best to help my daughter through this,

me, I will.


nodded then after saying her goodbye she hung up the phone and headed
towards the bedroom she shared with Kim, her feet dragging even more.
When she stepped inside she found Kim laying face down on the bed,
fast asleep. Apparently the redhead had managed to get her mission
cloths off but collapsed before changing into her usual sleep attire.
So she laid there in nothing both her pink bra and matching panties
with her head turn to the left and a slight puddle of drool starting
to form under her open mouth. Despite everything that had happened
recently, Shego couldnt help but giggled a bit at the image.

picked up Kims discarded clothes and dropped them into the hamper
next to the dresser before she stripped out of her classic black and
green catsuit and tossed it into tho hamper as well. She then made
her way over to the bed and carefully crawled onto it, not wanting to
wake Kim. Of course given how exhausted she seemed, Shego highly
doubted she could wake her even if she completely shoved her off the
bed. Which in a way was a good thing because it allowed her to pull
the covers over both of them and rolled Kims body into her arms.
The sleeping girl quickly readjusted to the new position and placed
her head on Shegos shoulder just above her left breast. As she
laid there she let a few whimpers while whispering Rons name
sorrowfully. Shego looked down at her helplessly, not really sure
what she could do to sooth her lovers no doubt awful dreams. She
settled for simply rubbing Kims back and giving her a kiss on the

will be alright Kimmie, she whispered softly, trying to convinced
herself as much as the sleeping redhead. Everything will be


watched the TV absently as he laid in his hospital bed. JD was
standing near him and telling him something about the healing process
and what theyre doing to make sure he was going to be okay and a
bunch of other stuff he really wasnt paying attention to. He
wasnt trying to be rude or anything, it was just that his thoughts
were preoccupied by something else. Something much more important.
Something that had been bothering him for quite awhile now.

face hurt. Not just from the scars he got in the explosion but also
from all the surgeries he had to try to get rid
of those scars. His entire

felt sore because of it. He had a headache from listening to all the
stupid beeping from the heart monitor, his eyes itched from the
bandages scratching against his lids each time he blinked and his
throat was still really sore. Apparently that
was taking its own sweet time to heal up as well. It didnt hurt
as much as it had when he first arrived but it was still too sore for
him to eat solid foods and so they had to give him chicken or beef

He thought bitterly. Man
a naco about now.

stomach growled at the thought of his most cherished culinary treat
and he tried to think of something else to get his mind off it.
Unfortunately, the only other thing he could really think about was
the horrible situation he was in. His face was messed up beyond all
repair, they had told him that enough times, his voice was completely
gone and worst of all, Kim hadnt stopped by to visit him in the
week and a half he had been stuck in the hospital. His parents
stopped by and of course Bonnie was there almost every day and even
Kims mom stopped in to see him a few times. But not Kim herself.
It depressed him but it didnt really surprise him. Knowing Kim,
she was probably blaming herself for what happened to him and bumming
hard. It was not out of character for her but it was
really stupid. After all it wasnt her fault he was injured, it
was his own. He was being is usual goofy, careless self and he paid
the price for it. Which, oddly enough, wasnt the worst
pain he felt, despite the seriousness of his injuries.

Kim? That
was what really got to him. It actually hurt him more
than his scars. He hated, absolutely hated, seeing that depressed
and downtrodden look on her face. Especially when he was the cause
of it. It was part of the reason he stayed away from her immediately
after their breakup. Not only because his own feelings were hurt but
because every time he saw that sad expression on her usually chipper
face, it just twisted his insides even more. If that was how she
reacted to their mostly mutual breakup, he couldnt even imagine
what she would look like when she thought she responsible for his

yet, oddly enough, he actually wanted
to see her. Yes it would be painful for both of them, but like
getting over their relationship, it was really something that had
to be done for them both to move on. At least, he hoped they could
move on. He still wanted to be a part of her life but he wasnt
sure if he could handle causing her pain every time he saw her.

shook his head to try to clear away those bad thoughts. The last
thing he needed was to make himself even more
depressed. Instead he decided to turn his attention to what JD was

from what the plastic surgeons tell us you should be up and around
soon, he concluded as he put the chart back down into the holder
attached to the foot of the bed. He then looked at Ron with a more
serious expression. Look man, I know this whole situation sucks
youve got to take the good with the bad. I mean, it could have
been a whole lot worse, right? And you have no idea how many people
Ive seen come in here looking perfectly healthy and then dropping
dead. Its…not really the best part of being a doctor. So I
hope youll forgive me if I try a little harder to get you to
appreciate that youre still alive and try to keep you that way.

nodded slightly.

JD nodded with him. And hey look at this way youre getting
some great plastic surgery out of it all. Most people cant even
afford to get the stuff they want
done. Though Ive never really been sure why exactly people would
want to fix things thats not really wrong with them. I mean if
you have one gazanga larger than the other youd need it right?
he joked as he held one hand close to his chest and the other further
out. Other than that I just dont get it. Although there is
one thing Ive always wanted to do if I ever got plastic surgery.

ended his sentence by tilting this head to the left and looking up,
his eyes taking on a far away look.


now were going to take the bandages off slowly, Turk warned JD.

bandaged doctor just nodded as he laid in his hospital bed. He
looked around him to see all his friends where there; Turk of course,
Carla, Elliot, and naturally Dr. Cox. He smiled happily under his
bed as he felt the concern and care radiate from them. He closed his
eyes as Turk started to unwind the bandages wrapped around his head.
Within seconds the white gauze was off and everyone gathered in the
room let out a gasp at the sight before them.

do I look? JD asked.

look great, Turk replied as he handed his friend a mirror.

slowly lifted the hand mirror to his face, his hand shacking
nervously. He stopped half way when saw the right have of his face
which looked as it always did. He continued to move the square
mirror over until he caught sight of the left side of his face which
he had worked on. That side of his face no longer looked like him at
all. Now, it was a perfect replica of Turks face from his bald
head right down to his mole. A wide smile crossed JDs now two
tune lips as he looked up at Turk.

well be together forever, he said affectionately.

like it was always meant to be, Turk said back as he patted his
friend on the shoulder.


would be so
JD muttered absently as his fantasy ended.

stared uncomfortably at the day dreaming doctor. He really
wished he was able to walk out of the room right now. Thankfully,
the rather awkweird moment was brought to an end when the sounds of
footsteps and a slight whirling sound approached the room. Both Ron
and JD looked towards the door to see a boy in a high tech wheelchair
and a Latino girl entering the room.

I help you? JD asked cautiously.

friends of Ron. We just wanted to visit him for a bit, the boy

doctor looked towards Ron who merely nodded in reply.

alright then. I guess Ill leave you three alone, JD said then
walked out of the room.

watched him go then turned his attention to Felix and Zita as they
moved towards the bed. While it wasnt much of a surprise to see
Felix, seeing Zita did
surprise him. Especially seeing them…together.

Are they

He thought in confusion. Naaah!
That couldnt be…well maybe. Its surprising but-well I mean
it could…huh.

Ron man, how ya doing? Felix asked lamely.

slight shift in the bandages indicated that Ron cocked his eyebrow at
the question. A slight blush came to Felixs face as he realized
how dumb is question was.

yeah, I know, he remarked. But it was the only thing I could
think of to start off the conversation. But aside the obvious
how are you doing?

shook his right hand a bit in the classic so-so motion. He
then pointed to Felix then Zita and moved his finger between them in
an inquiring manner.

Yeah. Were kind of a…couple now, Zita stated uncomfortably.

eyes widened behind his bandages.

a bit of a shock, isnt it? Felix tried to joke.


the only reason I didnt tell you before now was cause…it was
kind of…weird. You know with the whole guy code and
everything. But its not like I went after her right after you
guys stopped dating or anything.

since you werent even at the school right after we broke up,
Zita pointed out.

there is that.

brought up a finger to interrupt them and tried to think of the best
way to make a questioning gesture with his hands but couldnt think
of anything. Thankfully, Zita seemed to pick up on his intentions.

did we get together? she asked for him.

nodded again.

its kinda funny, she mused. I mean we barely saw each other
at school but we kept running into each other at gaming conventions.
One day we decided to go out for lunch and well…things kinda took
off from there.

weve been having fun since then, Felix added. Even though
she DOES get a little cranky when I level up before her in Everlot.

suddenly glared down at him as she placed her hands on her hips.

doesnt count when you cheat! she started firmly.

knowing a few nifty tricks isnt cheating. Its just good game
playing, he countered.

keep telling yourself that.

shook his head then looked back up at Ron with a more serious

okay with this, right man? he asked.

nodded as he raised his hand and made the OK sign. Both Felix
and Zita smiled in relief and relaxed a bit.

Felix nodded. And to help break the tension a bit more I brought
something along you might like.

that he pressed a button on the arm of his cyber-robotic wheelchair
and a small laptop flipped up from the side. He detached and opened
it then did a bit of type. A few seconds later he placed it
carefully into Rons lap as a video began to play. The clips on
the screen alternated between shots of old video games and a young
man with dark hair and glasses dressed in a white button up shirt and
tons of pens in his shirt pocket playing them. And he didnt look
very happy to be doing so. While all that was going on, a rather
unique song was playing.

gonna take you back to the past

play the shitty games that suck ass

rather have a buffalo

Take a diarrhea dump in his

Hed rather eat the
rotten asshole

a road kill skunk and down with beer

the angriest gamer youve ever heard

the Angry Nintendo Nerd

the Angry Atari/Sega Nerd

the Angry Video Game Nerd

the theme song ended a cartoon title card appeared of The Nerd
fighting off a horde of zombies with the title Zombie Mayhem
above it. That faded away to show The Nerd himself sitting on a
couch with a game disk in his hand and an irritated expression on his

Mayhem for the original Gamestation. Oh man was this
a huge piece of donkey shit, he started out.

he didnt get much farther as Ron paused the video. He noticed his
friends questioning looks and minimized the videos window so he
could bring up a writing program to type up a quick message before he
handed the laptop back to Felix.

hurts too much to even TRY to laugh right now, the screen read.

right, Felix nodded and closed the laptop. Well maybe when
youre feeling better. Its a great episode.

Zita added with a giggle. He really tears that game a new one.
Though is it bad it kinda makes me want to play it?

think it has that effect on everyone.

two shared a quick laugh before Felixs expression grew serious

Zita, would you mind leaving us alone for a bit? the brunette boy

Latino girl looked at him quizzically for a second before she glanced
between the two and Felixs meaning sank in.

right. Yeah Ill just go get us a soda or something, she said
before she left the room.

waited until she was down the hallway a bit before he wheeled his
chair closer to Rons bed.

I tried to think of a lot of ways to say this without sounding cliche
but unfortunately I couldnt come up with anything better, he
confessed. So here goes. He paused to give a sigh. Ron, I
know how you feel.

gave him an odd look as best he could through the bandages.

yeah like I said, total cliche, he remarked as he shook his head
in shame. But its true. I mean Im sure you dont want to
hear this word but you are
handicapped now.

long exhale from Rons nose signaled a sigh of acceptance as he
nodded a bit.

the wheelchair bound boy nodded back. At least you can accept it.
Thats the most important part. Trust me, it really wasnt easy
for me to come to terms with this, he said, gesturing to his legs.
I was probably feeling the same way you are now, angry, fearful,
depressed. You know, all the good emotions.

laughed a bit and from what he could see through the bandages it
looked like Ron was smiling as well. It was a good start.

I realized there were one of two things I could do. I could either
stay depressed and angry and just become more bitter or I could
accept my fate and move on. I decided to do that latter. I mean,
yeah obviously there are some things Im just not going to be able
to do, but for the most part I can still live a pretty normal life
and have fun. I mean I beat you
on the basketball court plenty of times, right?

waved his hands and shook his head in a Not true! motion.

dont give me that! You know
I beat you, Felix shot back. I swear youre a sore a loser
as Zita.

crossed his arms over his chest and glared.

okay, no picking on the guy who cant comment back, he agreed.
But at least this shows youre dealing with it. And thats
the most important part. You cant let the handicap control you,
you have to control it. Again, I know that sounds really
cheesy but its true. Its how I learned to get over everything
and just…deal, he shrugged. Its not going to be easy
though. People are
going to stare at whatever scars youre going to have left. Just
like people stare at my wheelchair when they first meet me. I mean
just look how Kim reacted.

rolled his eyes and nodded vigorously.

I could have been offended by that but I know she was just trying to
be nice so I took it with a grain of salt and let her get to know the
real me instead of just the chair. Youve just gotta keep at it
and eventually people will look past your scars and get to know you.
Of course itll help that youre friends will all be behind you
no matter what. You know that, right?

smiled as best he could and nodded again.

Felix smiled. Cause otherwise Id have to call Zita back in
here to bop you on the head and trust me she does it pretty well.

chuckled and even Ron seemed to laugh a bit before he went into a
strange wheezing fit. Felix looked alarmed and turned his chair to
go get someone when Ron sudden grabbed onto his arm. He shook his
head then pointed to himself and gave an OK sigh with his free

you sure? his friend asked.

nodded to hopefully reassure the other boy.

if you say so, Felix remarked, calming down a bit.

sounds of footsteps out in the hallway drew their attention. They
each thought it was just Zita returning with the promised sodas so
they were surprised to see Kim standing in the door way. Ron
especially. The former couple starred at each other from across the
room and the tension in the air was palpable. So much so that Felix
began to feel not only uncomfortable by it but also a bit smothered.

think Im gonna take off now. You sure youre gonna be alright
man? he asked Ron once again.

bedridden boy made one more OK sigh and Felix nodded. He then
wheeled out of the room, giving a quick Hello and Goodbye
to Kim as he passed her. The redhead returned the pleasantries then
turned her attention back to the person laying in bed. Her best
friend, her better half, her former boyfriend. One of the most
important people in her life. And he was laying there all thanks to
her. What was she suppose to say to him? What could
she say to him?

really knowing what she was going to do she started to walk forward.
She to exactly three steps into the room before her composure
completely broke down and she ran towards him as her eyes flooded
with tears. When she reached the bed she hugged him as best she
could as she blubbered into his shoulder.

sorry Ron! Im so, so, so
sorry! she cried. I didnt mean to let this happen to you!
Its all my fault! I-I should have been more careful. I
should have returned that stupid scroll! I just…I-I-I…

just laid there in stunned silence. He knew Kim would have blamed
herself but she didnt know she would take it this
badly. He wanted to tell her that it was all okay. That he didnt
blame her for the accident it and was all his
fault. He wanted
to, but he couldnt. He literally couldnt!
And it was tearing him up inside. So much he wanted to say and he
just lacked the ability to do so. So instead he just wrapped his
arms around her and hugged her with all the strength he had, hoping
it would convey his message.

two stayed like that for a long time, longer than either of them
could really tell. Not that it mattered though. All they really
cared about was being there for each other again. Even though it had
only been a week and a half since they had seen each other it just
like a lot longer. Especially considering all the personal agony
they had been through over that short period of time. Its what
they were both getting out at the moment; Kim with her crying and Ron
with this hugging. Eventually, Kim pulled away from Ron and sat back
in the chair next to the bed. She sniffled and rubbed the remaining
tears out of her red, puffy eyes.

sorry Ron I just…I dont know what came over me, she said.
Wait. No. I do
know what came over me. I did this to you! I let you go off without
even thinking about it and you got hurt! Shego keeps telling me its
not my fault but it is! How could it not be?

stared at her in amazement for several seconds before he frantically
started to look around the room. He pointed to a small desk on the
other side, indicating that Kim needed to go check it out. She
cocked an eyebrow at the request but went ahead and did it anyway.
She checked the top of the desk and found nothing but when she pulled
out the drawer she found a note pad and a pencil. She held them up
to him and he nodded excitedly. She then brought the items over to
the bed and handed them over. He snatched them away and quickly
scribbled something down. He then tore off the note and handed it
over to her.

your fault! Mine! the note read.

blinked in surprised as she sat back down in the chair. She stared
at the note a bit before she looked up at Ron, her eyes starting to
water over again.

she started again.

held up a hand to cut her off then wrote another note and passed it
to her.

was the one who wasnt paying attention. I
screwed up, not you.

Kim shook her head. If I was being more careful, if I was being
the…leader I should have been then you wouldnt have gotten

can take care of myself. I just screwed up, another note read.

youre only in the situation because of me!

started to write something else, but then stopped and tore of the
small piece of paper and crumpled it up. He let out a small sigh
through his nose before he wrote a new note and handed it over.

about we stop playing the blame game? We BOTH screwed up. I got
hurt but Im kinda okay now. How about we both move on?

small smile tugged at Kims lips as she looked over the note.

old Ron,

she thought happily. Aloud she said, Yeah. Yeah I think thats
for the best.

reached out and laid her hand on top of his. He smiled beneath his
bandages and turned his hand over so he could gently squeeze hers.
She squeezed back as she looked up at his wrapped head.

I just want you to know that Im going to be here for you, she
said gently. We all will. Me, Bonnie, Rufus, even Shego. Were
all going to help you get through this. But youve got to be
strong too. Youve got to help us. I know its not really like
you but I also know something like this could change someone. Please
just…dont get too withdrawn, okay?

nodded then slipped his hand out of hers so he could write again.

wont KP, I promise. But Im going to need some time to myself.
I need to think some things over.

nodded herself. Of course. Just know were here for you. Im
here for you.

know. Thanks KP. Youre the best friend I ever had, he next
note said.

tear ran down Kims cheek as she leaned forward and hugged him

youre the best friend I ever had, she repeated. I dont
ever want to lose you. I dont know what Id do if I did.

set the pad and pencil aside then wrapped his arms around her again.
It was kind of weird that this kind of embrace might have felt a bit
awkward during the last few weeks of their relationship but now, as
just friends again, it felt comfortable. It felt right. The
relationship just seemed to make things too complicated. They had
all those ideals and social pressures theyre supposed to live up
to. But here they could just be themselves and realize that they
would always be there for each other. They were best friends through
and through and at least that
would never change.

Ron knew deep down that if he wanted to stay by Kims side, to
truly be the friend-the partner-she
needed then he would have to do something drastic. Something he had
been mulling over for awhile now and this whole incident just did
more to reinforce the idea. Unfortunately, itd mean hed have
to break this promise to Kim. Hed have
to go away for awhile. He didnt want to but it had
to be done. There was just no other way around it.

have to go back…

he thought solemnly as he laid his head back and held Kim tighter.

Be Continued…

seems I just missed making an update in February. Stupid shortest
month of the year, could have just made if it had more days.
Well…no use crying over spilled milk I suppose. So there was this
chapter. A simple title for a pretty emotionally heavy chapter.
Its part of why it took so long to write, its really hard to
keep up that level of emotions all the time. I certainly hope you
guys all enjoyed it though. I know its not the most exciting or
action packed chapter but it had to be written. I would like to
think the inclusion of the doctors from Nip/Tuck helped lighten the
mood a bit. Especially Christians interaction with Dr. Cox. I
know I was personally excited for that. Just the idea of putting
those two together in a scene was just too good to pass up. Of
course Dr. Cox stole the scene but he pretty much steals most of the
scenes hes in. Mostly because he has so much dialogue! Much
respect to John C McGinely for not only being able to say
all that dialogue but also for getting it all out in almost one
breath most of the time. Gods speed to that man.

other cameo in this chapter of course being the small appeared
by Internet sensation The Angry Video Game Nerd. Created and played
by the extremely talented James Rofle. Its a great series and I
recommend everyone check it out at www. cinemassacre .com. Just fill
in the blanks cause of FF.Ns weird non link thing they do. I have
to warn you though The Nerd videos are full of cursing so timid ears
probably shouldnt listen to it. But he also have a lot of other
great videos up and I highly recommend that you guys check em out.

theme song from the AVGN series was written and sung by James
equally talented friend Justin Kyle. Its a simple melody but one
of the catchiest damn themes ever. And popular to remix apparently
given all the different versions of it floating around on YouTube.

anyway time to bring this rambling to a close. Be sure to come back
for the next chapter to see where exactly it is that Ron needs to
return to. Though Im pretty sure you guys who are familiar with
the series might already have figured that part out.

time guys!

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