Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: ACH Chapter 3

Kim Possible Porn Story: ACH Chapter 3

Every TV and computer screen went blank, a momentary whining noise emitting from the speakers. The screens flashed again, and suddenly a very well known redhead was looking out at the world. Everyone watching blinked in confusion.

Im Kim Possible, said the redhead, her green eyes locked on the camera in front of her. She wasnt smiling. She wasnt frowning, and dark circles under her eyes made her face seem hollow. I run around the world saving the day. I fix the broken things and stop all the bad things. I make lives peaceful. I make the world safe. I make sure that tomorrow comes, and no one can take it.

Everyone began exchanging confused looks.

This wasnt the Kim Possible they knew. Their Kim was abundantly cheerful. She was strong, confident, and always ready to lend a helping hand. This girl couldnt be her. She it was like she was reading this from a script. It was like she was bearing the facts, nothing more. Her monotonous voice was almost nerve wracking because there was no emotion behind it, none at all.

Agent Du, said one of the people watching.

Yes Maam? came the reply, the black haired man saluting the speaker crisply.

Did we not put Kim into that ecological site on the unnamed island? asked the voice.

Yes Maam, replied Will.

Odd, murmured two voices, across town from each other, at the same time.

Mr. and Mrs. Possible were watching the TV as well, their two boys lying on the floor in front of them. Mrs. Possible turned to her husband.

I didnt think Kim was allowed to take anything into that place but a knife, she said. Mr. Possible frowned slightly, his eyes locked on the screen.

She wasnt. I even tried to hand her a gadget or two, but she refused them.

Then how is she?

Everyone turned back to the screen as Kim started up again.

I am Kim Possible, said the redhead flatly. Ive saved more lives then I can count, and Ive returned stolen goods from thieves. Ive stopped world domination, and Ive stopped its destruction. Ive staved off natural disasters and assisted in fixing anything I couldnt get to in time. For all Ive done, Ive never asked for anything in return. Kims face suddenly got dark, her eyes flashing with anger. Everyone leaned away from the screen. For all Ive done for you, I demand to know why you take the one thing away from me Ive dared ask for.

That only earned blank confusion from viewers.

What was she talking about? What had they taken? Who had taken it? It made no sense.

Where is she? Kim asked lowly, her voice laced with barbs.

Does she even realize how that sounds? asked several people at once, one of them being a well known high school rival of Kims. Bonnie snorted. Possibles finally lost it.

Some things wrong, commented another person, her mocha colored hand reaching out to turn up the volume. The entire class was watching, if not the school. If TVs or computers werent already on, they were somehow magically flipped on just for this broadcast. Which didnt seem to be making any sense to anyone watching. Monique turned to Ron.

Whos she talking about?

Ron stared open mouthed. He had no idea who Kim meant. And, it only flustered him more because she wasnt supposed to be able to do what she was doing. Namely because shed been locked in some giant Eco dome that didnt permit any kind of signal out unless it was through a specific terminal. Kim didnt have access to that terminal.

Whats going on KP? he asked to the air. He scrunched up his face at his stupidity for asking no one. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his Kimmunicator. He hit the button to contact Kim. A very familiar tune emitted from the TV.

Kim didnt budge.

If thats you Ron, said Kim on the TV. Im not answering until I get answers.

He blinked. Even though she said that, the connection was established. He could see the blue wall behind her on the screen in his Kimmunicator.

KP, what are you talking about? Who are you looking for?

On the screen, everyone could hear the faint murmur of Ron talking, but they were unable to hear what he said.

Kims eyes flashed dangerously.

Wade, Kim growled, completely ignoring Ron. Quit trying to hack into the system. You wont accomplish anything. Youre all on my crap list until I get some answers.

Again, everyone blinked in confusion. This wasnt like their hero at all.

Kim, Ron said a little louder. Whats going on?

I already told you, Kim answered. If you dont tell me where she is, Im going to start tearing things apart to find her. Kims eyes flicked to the side for a brief second before returning to the screen. You have until tomorrow. If you dont tell me by then, youre going to see how serious I am.

All the screens turned black, even Rons Kimmunicator.

What the heck was that? demanded Bonnie, turning a hard look on Ron.

Ron slowly shook his head from side to side.

I dont know. Theres no way she could have meant Nah, not her! Has to be someone else! Ron quickly got to his feet and headed for the door.

Where are you going Stoppable?! demanded a booming voice. Ron only glanced over his shoulder at the man.

I have to find out whats going on. Theres only a few people who might know. Without another word, Ron walked out the door.

——-In the Hideout———

Scowling at a now blank screen, Kim drummed her fingers on the console. She wasnt pleased with having to make such a world-wide public display but shed felt she had no other choice.


Computer, she called out to the room.

Awaiting command, answered a robotic voice.

Search records for what day and time Mik left.

After a short pause, the robotic voiced answered. Friday 11th, 1745 hours.

Kim mentally referenced it with the day that Wade had contacted Mik for the last mission. Mik had made it to her parents house, gotten to New Mexico, finished the mission and had never gotten home. So, between New Mexico and here, after the mission, shed gone missing.

Either someone had kidnapped Mik assuming it was Kim, or someone Mik knew had showed up. The only reason she was skeptical about a kidnapping was because no one acted out of character and there were no blazing headlines about Kim Possible being kidnapped. So that meant it had to be someone that Kim knew and Mik had met through missions. If that were the case, the only question was how to ask where Kim Possible was. And BEING Kim Possible made it hard to call and ask where she was at.

But the most frightening possibility was that Mik had been found out. Someone knew about Mik and had either captured or put an end to her.

Kim growled in frustration. If GJ had happened to show up and asked Mik to go on another mission, its all hush-hush, and the only way to find out would be to directly ask. But that meant revealing Mik as a clone. And there was no certainty that GJ was the one that had contacted Mik after the mission.

Or, if Mik had been found out, the only way to get answers was to reveal that she existed as well.

It was a lose-lose situation. But she had to take action fast. There was no telling what had happened. If the worst had happened and Mik had been found out, then she had to find out as soon as possible in hopes that Mik hadnt been killed yet.

—End of Flashback—

Kim sighed and leaned back in her chair to rub her forehead in hopes to distract herself from her pounding head. She hadnt slept at all since shed gotten here. It took her two days to hack into the global satellites. It was mid morning the third day when shed finally gotten everything aligned and prepared for a global vid-feed. Wades help would have sped the process up by a day, but bringing the boy genius in was not quite a go because there was no telling if he had his hands in what happened to Mik.

It seemed very distrusting of her, but after stressing out about it for a night then working on getting things moving, shed ended up building up her anger and directing it at, more then likely, the wrong people. And a part of her knew that. She just didnt want to admit it. Her entire focus was finding Mik. And possibly Shaundra. The brown haired woman hadnt responded to any of her calls. Shed even tried her work number, and had been told that Shaundra had been out for two weeks now.

It freaked her out to the point she wasnt thinking logically. At the moment, everyone was the enemy. Shed even forgotten to contact her parents. Which, if shed stopped to think about it, she would have found it odd that they hadnt contacted her the last five days. If Mik had been missing the past five days, while Kim had been exploring Go City, it should stand to reason that the Possibles would have attempted to call to check up on their daughter. Unless, of course, they knew where she was. Which would have saved Kim a lot of grief of trying this mass media thing and possibly kept this mess within the Possible household. Which could have maybe added some protection for Mik by giving her a believable background story if Kims parents were accepting of the newest member of the household.

Again, unfortunately, Kim wasnt thinking properly. The idea had briefly fluttered across her mind, but shed been so harried, she hadnt actually let it rise to the forefront. Itd been waved with half her other plans, to the back recesses of her mind, left for further inspection when shed actually gotten some sleep, or at least some clues as to where Mik might be.

A blinking light on the Kimmunicator drew her attention. She glared at it a moment before she sighed heavily and hit the receive button. Dr. Directors face came into view, looking sullen, if not slightly confused.

Ms. Possible, I expect you have a reasonable explanation as to how you got off that island and why youre suddenly making such strange demands world wide.

Kims frown immediately disappeared. Island? Where?

A small frown worked its way across the Directors face.

The one we took you to three days ago. I know you accomplish the impossible all the time, but even you would have been hard pressed to get out, let alone off that island and to anything that is powerful enough to make such a world wide broadcast.

Kims eyes instantly widen. Her tired mind buzzed with renewed vigor. Where exactly was that island? she questioned quickly.

Possible, youre not making sense. Since it seems you got off the island, hopefully completing your mission, what other reasons do you have for going back?

Kims mind whirled. She had no idea what the mission was, let alone a good reason to go back. Hopefully a flimsy guess would get her an answer. I uh didnt quite finish the mission. I needed to pick up a few things.

You were instructed that you were not allowed to take anything other then that knife in, Dr. Director replied tonelessly.

I understand, Kim answered quickly, tired mind trying to think up more excuses. But, my mission is a tad difficult. I was hoping you wouldnt mind if I added a couple of my usual mission gear items.

The Director looked none too pleased, but she sighed. Shego is a difficult person to handle. I take it she chose not to revert back to her heroic ways? Since you were asked to dispose of her, if she didnt comply, it is acceptable that you will need more then a simple knife to accomplish this. Very well, Ill send the coordinates. Get what items you will need and head out immediately. Did you manage to locate the others?

Kims heart had seemed to freeze in her chest when the Director mentioned disposing of Shego. However, she kept an impassive look on her face as she shook her head. No. Shego was my priority. After I deal with her, I shall locate the others.

Nodding curtly, the Director cleared her throat. Very well. I expect to hear from you as soon as you return.

Before Kim could say anything, the connection was cut. After a small pause, the Kimmunicator spat out a small slip of paper with the islands coordinates on it.

Kim sat frozen in place for several long tense moments.

Shed been ordered to kill Shego? KILL her?! What on earth was going on? Since when had GJ started giving her missions like that?! And just because Shego was a thief, was it really necessary to kill her? Was that truly justice? If Mik knew, shed be stark-raving mad. But Mik had been the one to take the call. Shed been the one thatd been sent out. That meant Mik knew and still went. Was Mik really willing to kill Shego?

None of it makes sense! roared Kim, pounding her fist on the armrest of the chair. She growled irritably and ran her fingers through her knotted hair. Blinking her dry bloodshot eyes, she stared down at the Kimmunicator, tempted to make a call to Wade to get a ride. But that meant shed have to ask for a return ride. Plus, shed have to explain Mik on the return trip. And however many visitors were coming with her.

The Kimmunicator blinked again. Again, it was Ron. She rolled her eyes. The boy never gave up. But, seeing as she has her answers, she could at least fill the boy in on her return trip to the island and get him to explain things to her parents, which she assumed, knew of the first trip.

That didnt sit well with her. Did they all know that shed been asked to kill someone? Were they not bothered by it in the least? Did her parents really let her go on this darn thing KNOWING what was expected of her if she failed to convince Shego to change sides again?

It almost frightened her. What did they take her as? A murderer?

Mik couldnt have possibly have done this to spare her the emotional and mental stress of such an act, could she? Was that why Mik had chosen to go? Is that why she hadnt left a note?

Rising on trembling legs, Kim stared wide eyed into space. She was terrified Mik was actually thinking of killing Shego killing Shego, and sparing Kim the trauma. Could Mik really do it? Was Mik truly different enough, separate enough from Kim, that she could commit such a horrendous thing?

Kim was horrified that such doubts were actually plaguing her tired and distraught mind. Shed never once doubted Mik. NEVER.

Shaking her head roughly, Kim squared her shoulders. She wouldnt start doubting Mik now. She would go and find her double, and she would find out exactly what was running through her troublesome little head. She glanced down and spotted a pair of large brown eyes staring up at her from a box. A small smile played with the corners of her mouth.

I think its high time we tried out that new jet. She slung a missions bag over her shoulder and picked up the box. Making her way to the garage/hangar, Kim pressed the call button on her Kimmunicator. She forced a smile as soon as she saw Rons face pop up.

Hey Ron.

Kim! exclaimed the blond. He looked relieved shed finally answered. Whats going on? A slightly panicked look crossed his face.

Thereve been a few kinks in my mission. I needed to restock on some items before going back.

A mixture of relief and confusion washed across his face. Ah, um thats good to hear. Um what was with that message? Who are you looking for?

A spontaneous urge to tell him almost had the words tumbling from her lips. She just barely caught herself in time to smile grimly at him.

A friend of mine is missing. I thought maybe Id find her if I announced it globally.

Ron stared at her in confusion. Who?

Ill tell you later, she said quickly. I have to get ready to go. I have to get back to the mission.

Nodding slowly, he frowned. Well, okay. Uh Ill be here to talk when you get back.

Spankin! she said a little too enthusiastically. Luckily, the act was bought, and Ron grinned at her before the connection was cut. Kim sighed, wishing she had a free hand to rub her forehead. Now to figure out if I have to let the cat out of the bag, or if I can somehow manage to stuff a different cat into it.

Shaking her head, she left that bombshell to be dealt with upon her return. For now, she just had to make it to the stupid island and locate her other half.

She yawned. Thank science for autopilot, she muttered to herself as the garage/hangar door hissed open.

A/N: Oooo! Kimmie’s headed to the island! Who will she run into first?! How will Shego react when she runs into the REAL Kimmie? For that matter, how will Mik and Shaundra act running into Kimmie? And, are Mik and Shaundra in for one heck of a scolding?

Bwahahahaha! You’ll have to wait and see :3

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